
Jun 13, 2010 22:28

•I hate summer! Today we had 32c/90f, tomorrow we’ll have 34c/93f and by Friday we’ll hit 40c/104f. Argh!

•Greece lost from Korea. Yeah, I didn’t see that coming. Our team suck and is going to suck forever if the same players stay. We need new blood. Actually what we need is players that can run. You can’t win a match if you can’t run.

Spoilers for Batgirl #11 )

summer, morgana, batgirl, merlin

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Comments 25

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modestroad June 13 2010, 20:14:13 UTC
Well it was a very stupid goal *grin*

Spain probably has the best team, but you never know. Football is 80% talent and 20% luck.


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modestroad June 14 2010, 07:34:41 UTC
I'll try, but my muses are effected by the heat. I really hate summer.

Spain has an excellent team. And plays good football. Very good football and unlike other teams that only have one or two good players, you can't find a bad player in the Spain team.

So yeah, I'm excited too.


shobogan June 13 2010, 21:00:47 UTC
Having only seen the preview, I choose to believe Cass was on her way. With Jason. :p

And Helena and Selina were all possessed and crap, right? I choose to believe that is why.

Your Merlin thoughts mirror my Merlin thoughts! Though I have no finished season two. But yes, Gaius is an asshole.


modestroad June 13 2010, 21:24:33 UTC
I love Damian. I really do, but it felt weird, you know? She's the one with the photographic memory and no Cass? Jason? As much as I don't like it DC does its best to keep those two (Babs and Jay) for meeting.

The two characters that can relate the most... *sigh*

Yep! Selina and Helena were techno zombies, but still. Those girls have skills! And I'm sorry, but Stephanie's not near their level.

Gaius is a major asshole! What he says to Merlin (2x12 I think) had me rolling my eyes so hard I gave myself an eye cramp.


shobogan June 13 2010, 21:28:49 UTC
Yeah, Babs definitely...doesn't. She cares about his wellbeing, I'm sure, but they're not close, at least not yet. Though I'm not surprised Miller is failing to reference Cass yet again. (I was more surprised at lack of Tim, really. I miss him and Babs being geeky together.) And I KNOW - is DC terrified that someone will actually sympathise with the boy or what?

She really isn't, not yet. I can see her making it out alive, but not beating them. Clearly being technozombies reduced their skills.

I stopped - I think after the Druid episode? Which was COMPLETELY HIS FAULT. Merlin wanted to tell Morgana she wasn't alone and work with her, but no. Can't have that. :| (...It doesn't help that Morgana is my favourite.)


modestroad June 13 2010, 21:41:11 UTC
Miller, in my opinion, does a poor job with Batgirl. Sure it's fun to read, but it's just that. Fun to read. No depth. At all.

Tim and Babs being geeky together! Heh! I was just readin the issue where Tim and Babs are playing a video game, Dick comes in and then he gets all jealous when Ted comes to visit Babs. :)

And now I miss Ted...

Morgana's my favorite also. Merlin...he's also to blame for making Morgana believe that she's all alone and no one understand her.

I know it is a show and I know they are following the legends (which ones I'm not sure), but come on! He looks like an ass! I don't think there's a Merlin fan, that blames Morgana for going to the dark side.


megganblack June 14 2010, 12:04:34 UTC
I still need to read that book. But I adored from what I have seen so far. <3
Our national team never even made it to South Africa. XD
And Uther is very difficult to like. Even the actor's voice is hot. <<


modestroad June 14 2010, 13:11:36 UTC
Babs waking up with Dick by her side is <3! You should read Batgirl. It's funny and's funny. Has its moments. Pay no attention to fail things and you'll be fine.

I remember him from Buffy. Must be his accent, but damn! He's hot!


faile_neume June 14 2010, 13:00:39 UTC
I am still sort of on my hiatus but I was just skimming my flist and saw Merlin and eeeeeeeeeee


No one I know watches it and I haven't had a chance to flail about it! I've jumped in half way through season two and have watched a grand total of five episodes but I am obsessed already! I can't wait until my exams finish so I can do a marathon.

Merlin is my favourite and Colin Morgan is so adorkable and I ship Arthur/Merlin like a crazy person!

I need an Arthur/Merlin icon! And b'awww at your Morgana one, I know what happens even though I haven't gotten that far. Poor Morgana, I wish she didn't have to be evil ;-;


modestroad June 14 2010, 13:20:42 UTC
Merlin...I don't like this whole knights and swords thing so if I watch and fangirl about it is good. Like really good! And the casting is excellent! And very good looking ;)

Colin Morgan looks like a thin, younger James Marsden, don't you think? He's just so cute and adorkable like you said :)

Morgana had to turn evil. After everything she went through s2 it's a wonder she didn't turn bad sooner. I don't think she'll go pure evil though. It is a show and they don't follow the legends-it's not like the legends are canon or something. So I don't know. I'm just glad she's back for s3.

I have to admit that I now have a serious fetish for hoods because of her. Green hoods. I love that she's the only one wearing green. And Camelot's color is red ;)


faile_neume June 14 2010, 13:37:36 UTC
I love love love love knights and swords and ARTHURIAN LEGEND. So it's really weird that I am only just getting into the show now. I was a bit iffy because it's so hopelessly inaccurate, but then I realised that was kind of the point.

He's not as ~dashing~ as James Marsden is. He isn't really attractive until you actually look at him and it sort of hits you out of nowhere. Like "OH! He's handsome, where did that come from!?"

THANKS! I will now spend the next few hours picking the perfect icon. At least until I buy the DVDs so I can make my own screencaps and icons ^_^

I only just watched the episode when Morgause first turned up. But I really do feel sorry for Morgana, in most Arthurian adaptations I read she tends to be portrayed as a little sympathetic, so I am hoping that they might redeem her a bit in s3. ALSO I JUST WANT ARTHUR TO FIND OUT MERLIN'S BIG GAY CRUSH MAGIC.

Hehehehe. I don't think I've seen her in a hood yet! What a travesty D:


modestroad June 14 2010, 13:56:12 UTC
I don't like knights so I was really surprised when I started watching it. And I was even more surprised when I started searching the lj for fanfics. I blame the cast; they are just so pretty!

And my fetish for hoods :P

Colin is not attractive at first, but once you look at him you realize that he's beautiful in his own way. Brandley on the other hand... *drools*

Heh! I'm waiting for season 3 to make my own icons because like you I got into Merlin a bit late. Better late than never, right? lol

I can't say more without spoiling the rests of the episodes, but Morgana is in a very dark place right now. Merlin is not accurate as you said (Gwen is black and Merlin is a 12 :P ) so I have hope for her.

I want Arthur to find out about Merlin too! It will be epic! But I'm happy watching them together. They have so much chemistry together.


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