I n t h e t r a d i t i o n o f t h e K a k a s h i X S a k u r a F C H a l l o w e e n A n t i - f a n f i c c o n t e s t,
w e b r i n g y o u . . . .
At the
Kakashi X Sakura FC the ladies (and guy) like to celebrate the unique and interesting in our fandom. We enjoy and encourage the great fanfiction and great fanart that the pairing of Kakashi and Sakura inspires. We also like to mix it up a bit. Therefore, we would like to issue and open invitation to all fanartists to participate in our Copy-cat fanart contest. Take a painting by one of the great masters, insert Kakashi and Sakura, and make it your own. Then share your work and feast your eyes on the other entries.
R U L E S: Any and all restrictions are not made to restrict the artistic process, but to maintain the link to the source material and to ensure that the material is fanart
- Submission must ultimately be a piece of Kakashi and Sakura fanart.
- Artists must use a source painting that has appeared in a museum. (See below for suggestions)
- Your source painting must show at least two figures. If you choose to use one with more, you need to make sure Kakashi and Sakura are the focus. No photoshopping Kakashi or Sakura and dropping them onto an Impressionist landscape
- The end result needs to be entirely your own creation. No using other people’s fanart or clips from the manga or anime.
- Two artists may do the same painting, however since many of you want to avoid this, you may contact me here or Foxy at the Kakashi X Sakura FC with your name and the painting you are interpreting and we will post it in the participant list so others can see that that source material is already being used. The participant list is accessible on the first page of the Kakashi x Sakura FC and also below.
- You may interpret the source material in whatever medium you choose, however it must ultimately be viewable as a .jpeg or .gif or .png file.
- It is not necessary to have the characters in the same period clothing as the source material. In fact, it is encouraged that you interpret the painting into a Naruto context instead of simply copying it and dropping on Sakura and Kakashi's heads.
- This is about your interpretation, so please feel free to alter the background as needed. However, do not change the pose of the figures, as pose is essential to linking your piece with the composition of the original painting (see scoring).
- You are free to interpret the style as you please. If you’d like to do a manga version of a pre-Raphaelite piece, go for it. Just remember, they need to look similar when compared side by side. (see scoring)
- Artists may submit more than one work as long as they are based on different sources.
D A T E: All entries are due by Thursday, May 7, 2009. Entries will be posted into the voting thread on May 8.
S U B M I T T I N G: Email no larger than 260 X 390 .jpeg .gif or .png files to
moderndayportia@aol.com by Thursday, May 7, 2009. Include your name and the title and artist of your source material. Also, if you choose to title your piece, please include that information. The small size stipulation is so that the images can be posted next to eachother within the voting thread. However, if you believe that your picture necessitates closer inspection you may also include a larger version of the file to be hosted in the photobucket account and linked to from the voting thread.
P O S T I N G: Do not post your entries anywhere (including NF, DeviantArt, LJ) prior to May 8th. Posting earlier will give you an unfair advantage in the voting category and may result in disqualification. After the aforementioned time, please feel free to post wherever you wish and link to the voting thread.
A photobucket account will be created for the exclusive use of this contest in which all of the files can be hosted. This will be necessary in order to post the files into the voting thread.
The voting thread will show your picture besides the source picture. If you’d like, please also send me a quality file of your source material (same file format and size limitations), otherwise the quality of the picture that appears next to yours will be based on my own discretion. Additionally, if your source material is so obscure that a google image search won’t yield results, please be so kind as to attach a copy to the email you send me.
S C O R I N G: Scoring will be calculated in two categories:
Open voting- (worth 50%) A thread will be set up on Naruto Forums where people may go to vote on entries. The polls will be open from May 8th through May 15th. Each individual’s score will be calculated by votes received out of the percentage of total votes cast. See
The Kakashi X Sakura FC or this journal for links.
Judging- (worth 50%) Judges will give scores from 1 (bad) to 10 (excellent).
There will be five categories of judging:
I. Composition- Was the integrity of the original piece's composition maintained? This category includes the use of empty space, the pose of the character’s bodies as well as the use of perspective and focus.
II. Form- Are the figures and objects portrayed correctly and appealingly proportioned?
III. Tone/Mood- Has the artist captured the texture, shading, and lighting of the original piece?
IV. Style- Does the artist show a consistent style throughout the piece? Is it executed well?
V. Interpretation- Is it apparent that this is a piece of Kakashi/Sakura fanart? Did the artist incorporate symbols of the Narutoverse into the piece?
Judging art is essentially based largely on subjective tastes, so it will be worth no more than half the score. Also, computers display colors differently so there is not judging category based on coloring. Judges will be encouraged to be non-biased in their scoring and will not be permitted to vote in the voting thread.
J U D G E S:
moderndayportia sakuraharu peachandbetty zelha leafygirl A W A R D S:
sakuraharu , author of amazing KakaSaku stories like A Book of Five Rings and Fourteen Dates, has offered to write a oneshot based off of the winning entry.
The winner will also receive a banner.
P A R T I C I P A N T S:
Saphri- La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John William Waterhouse
Yorokobi21- The Awakening of Adonis by John William Waterhouse
Breakdown- Romeo and Juliet by Sir Frank Dicksee
Leona101- Alain Chatier by Edmund Blair Leighton
Cynchick- The Three Ages of Man by Titian
scaryrei- The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
Kagura-Satoam- The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
GoldenGrimoire -The Arnolfini Marriage by Jan Van Eyck
shinobunin- Paolo and Francesca by Sir Frank Dicksee
Gator- Springtime by Pierre Auguste Cot
Sayurinomoe- The Kiss by Francesco Hayez
R E C O M M E N D E D A R T W O R K:
Mars and Venus an Allegory of Peace by Lois-Jean-Fancois Lagrenee
American Gothic by Grant Wood
The Storm by Pierre Auguste Cot
Tristan and Isolde by Hughes Merle
The Stolen Kiss by Jean-Honore Fragonard
Painter's Honeymoon by Frederick Leighton
Two Lovers by Rene Margritte
Apollo and Daphne by John William Waterhouse
Tristan and Isolde Sharing the Potion by John William Waterhouse