Mar 16, 2011 20:48

Do you have an awesome idea for an in-game event?

This is where players can pitch or suggest in-universe or alternate universe (AU) events to be played in the comm! Whether it's just an idea or a burning desire to see or make something happen, simply post your idea and any thoughts on the logistics or execution of your idea here in the comments. Comments will be screened to keep potential upcoming events a surprise.

In-universe events can be things like arranging an IRL meetup between teams, a practice match, or a prefectural karaoke competition. If you'd like to play it or see it happen as a part of in-game continuity, please suggest it with "In-universe Pitch" in the subject of your comment.

Alternate Universe events can be anything! Mod-driven AU events will tend to be simple concept based 1-2 week breaks from in-game continuity where characters and players can have fun in an alternate setting or concept universe. Mod driven AU events will be fairly broad. Character-driven AU events will be set up as a dream or sequence of dreams experienced by a character or characters, wherein the player suggesting the AU event will determine the concept or setting and other players can participate within the framework provided by the player driving the event. Character-driven AU events, like Mod-driven events, will not affect game continuity; however, the character or characters who experienced the dreams may choose to discuss or share their dreams in-universe.

It is our current policy that AU events will not take place "in the real world" in-universe so that they do not affect continuity, but if you have an idea for an AU event in a format other than a surreal dream or series of dreams experienced by one or more characters, please suggest it! Your mods are enthusiastic about hearing and using your input on how to make the game more fun.

All events will last for 1-2 weeks in real time.

pitching, modpost!

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