2PM, Taecyeon & Jay: Release

Oct 19, 2013 20:21

Title: Release
Author: mo_chan_tf
Group: 2PM
Characters: Taecyeon, Jay Park, Minjun cameo
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~1,200
Summary: "So much time has been wasted."
Notes: Inspired by these two very important retweets by Jay + these three tweets Jay posted himself.


[BUM to OKCAT | 10/11 9:17am]

hey, you coming to the party?

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/11 9:19am]

can’t. sorry bro. but congrats!!!

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/11 9:20am]

fuck u

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/11 9:30am]

I really can’t.

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/11 9:33am]

you little shit

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/11 9:34am]

you’re the little shit here!

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/11 9:35am]

ha- ha- hate you, man

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/11 9:39am]

niga mibda~

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/11 10:20am]

sorry. that wasn’t nice.

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/11 10:26am]

yeah shut up

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/11 10:28am]

hey, don’t be like that. I really can’t go!!!

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/11 10:33am]

I hope kim daegu and ssanti king talk about it till you eat your heart out

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/11 10:34am]



"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, we just got to the dorm. You?"


"Then why aren't you here?"

“…I don’t really feel like going. Tell the others-"

"Come on bro, you were the one that suggested this gathering so we could all get drunk and call him to, y'know, CEL-E-BRATE!"

"I'm sure you and Wooyoungie did a great job at all that."

"Stop sulking-"

"I’m not-"

“You could have gone there."



"Fuck. I want…"

"Do it."

"Wait, you don’t even know-”

"Whatever you wanna do, you gotta do it. So much time has been wasted. We should all have done something-whatever-years ago."

"I know. I know. But…"

"I promise I won’t tell a soul."

"I'm not worried about that."

"You should, though."


[OKCAT to BUM | 10/15 01:17am]

you’re throwing shit at the fan!

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/15 01:19am]

dafuk didja wayk me up 4

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/15 01:20am]

u dun get no say’n this

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/15 01:21am]

meet me at the beach tomorrow. midnight.

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/11 01:23am]

you romantic fucker. which one?

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/15 01:27am]

hot blood?

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/15 02:30am]

thought I’d never go back to that hell again

[OKCAT to BUM | 10/15 02:31am]

so you’ll go?

[BUM to OKCAT | 10/15 02:36am]

nahhh rn i'll sleep


Something flies past him, nearly hitting his head, and falls on the sand, a meter or so away from where he had been lying. Taecyeon moves to fetch it, recognizing the plastic package as he bends down to take it. He chuckles.

“Dried mangoes?” he turns around just in time to see the other approaching.

“Thank me or I’ll shove it up your ass,” says Jay, hands in the front pockets of his baggy jeans. He’s also got a jacket over a plain t-shirt, no accessories except for his studs. He looks-exactly how Taecyeon feared he would. Apparently the same at first, but there is a quiet confidence to his stance, and some keenness to his eyes that tells of the past. He’s older, of course, they are both older and changed, but something familiar still hangs between them. What draws them together, what draws them apart…

“Hey,” Taecyeon says, knowing he sounds and looks dumb, catching the way Jay’s mouth twists up even as he looks away for a moment.

“So. Okcat, huh? Happy with the new business?”

Taecyeon smiles. He’s still holding the package of dried mangoes, and he doesn’t know what to do with it. “It’s fun,” he says, and Jay nods.

They stare at each other, words caught and crashed by waves of air and water, the silence awkward but unsurprising. Jay laughs, his gaze avert, but Taecyeon keeps looking at him, cheeks wrinkling in diversion.

Jay sits down where the waves won’t get to his feet and Taecyeon joins him, the distance between them as small as the package of dried mangoes. “So, why did you call me here?”

Taecyeon looks ahead. It’s almost impossible to distinguish the sea from the sky, the horizon a blurred line in the darkness. “I saw your tweets.”


Jay sounds defensive, as if Taecyeon were about to reprimand him. “You sounded really angry.”

“Well, I am. I’m sick of people talking shit about what they don’t know. They always jump to the worst possible conclusions.” He laughs, but it comes out bitter. “It’s been four years. Why can’t they let it go?”

Taecyeon is silent for a long time. His voice is low and heavy when he speaks. “Could you?”

Jay shakes his head, but it’s so insistent Taecyeon wonders whether that is a response to the question or a mere reaction to his asking it in the first place. “I believe we’re all past that. But if you mean-you guys... why would I have to do that?”

Taecyeon looks at him, almost smiling. “You don’t.”

Jay stares back at him. “Then stop thinking so much, damn it. I just, y’know, it was necessary for me to say all that. If shit hits the fan, it’ll all be on me. I don’t have anyone else to protect anymore, so you don’t have to worry.”

“You kidding me? I’m worried about you.”

Jay laughs. Then he shrugs, gets the package of dried mangoes and rips it open. “I had a great time. I’m sure the others did too, and I don’t mean just Junsu-Minjun and Wooyoung.”

Taecyeon lets the smile show this time. He fetches four pieces of dried mango from the pack and designs something on his thigh. Jay frowns, left eyebrow twitching.

“The hell you doin’?”

Shape defined, Taecyeon picks it carefully and stuffs his mouth with it. “Eatin’ mah heart out” he manages to say despite his full mouth, though Jay probably has to decipher the words. He laughs out loud and hits Taecyeon’s side with his arm, laughing more when Taecyeon almost chokes.

“Dumbass. Aren’t you supposed to be all grown by now?”

Taecyeon chews and chews until he can start swallowing it, and immediately craves for water. Jay is shaking his head again, but he looks amused. He coughs. “You listened to the album?”

Jay’s mouth curves up slightly. “Yeah. Neil Armstrong, huh?”

Taecyeon fakes a pout. “I’m so hurt girl, I need a doctoooooooor~”

Jay hits him again, this time in the stomach. Taecyeon holds his arm in place, but Jay shoves at him with his free hand and then punches his arm when Taecyeon doesn’t let go. They’re trying to look serious, but Taecyeon feels the laughter building up. Then Jay pinches his stomach and Taecyeon falls back in the sand, dragging the other with him, and Jay gets up as if scathed.

“Niga,” Jay kicks lightly at his side, “mibda.”

Taecyeon’s smile is genuine. He stands up, ruffling his hair to get rid of the sand, taking off his jacket and looking for a rock where he could put it.

Jay rolls his eyes at him. “Just leave it there, man. It won’t hurt.” He’s taking his own jacket off, along with his shoes. He indicates the sea with his head. “Care for a swim?”

Taecyeon considers the cool air, his car and how he wouldn’t like to drive back home all drenched, unless-

Jay's already shedding his t-shirt. That works better than any argument either of them could muster up.

Taecyeon throws his clothes into the same pile as Jay’s, along with his worries and his care and his fears, and they both dive into the sea.


fandom: 2pm, rating: pg

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