What Ianto Saw 3/31

May 04, 2013 18:46

Title: What Ianto Saw
Author: timelordshines
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Rating: R
Warnings: Nothing really, apart from the obvious ;)
Words: 100
Date: May 3
Spoilers: Set after Cyberwoman.
Disclaimer: Not mine - Torchwood belongs to RTD and the BBC. I'm just borrowing them.
Notes: I am going to try and post a short 100 word fic every day in May. Each drabble will meet the 'masturbation' theme of the comm, to a greater or lesser degree, and when read together the thirty one fics will tell a bigger story.

Author's Note: Sorry this one is a bit late. Day 4 to follow later this evening.

Previous Days: Day 1, Day 2

Jack found Ianto in the kitchen, working his coffee magic.
Ianto tensed as he heard Jack enter and sensed him come to stand behind him, too close for the Welshman’s liking.
“I’m sorry.” Jack said quietly.
Ianto turned around “No I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been there. I had no right to see that.” A look of confusion crossed his face. “Did you use my shower gel?”
“Forgot to take mine in.” Jack replied.
Ianto turned back to the machine to finish Jack’s coffee.
“I missed you.” Jack admitted so quietly Ianto was sure he wasn’t supposed to hear it.

year: 2013, author: timelordshines, day: 03, fandom: torchwood

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