Title: Climbing Mount Everest
fidesFandom: X-Files, Dollhouse
Pairing: Mulder
Rating: R
Summary: Mulder follows up on a lead which takes him to LA
Note: The title comes from the quote "You've got to climb Mount Everest to reach the Valley of the Dolls."
It would be in Los Angeles... )
Comments 9
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I liked writing DeWitt - snarky Brits are fun and she was very easy to 'hear' while I was writing her (unlike Mulder who was mostly sulking).
(My excuse is Topher is way too much of a geek not to being going Whiskey 0, Whiskey 1... And really what other call sign could 'Alex' be *grin*)
No other callsign at all *G* I thought of him when they intro'd Whiskey!
You know I fully support more of this MUCH MORE and also the inclusion of Fringe in this and any other crossover fics. Because dude. And also I feel the different canons would blend well together *nods*
Krycek is Whiskey 0 - tru fax!
It depends if I get an id... oh! *evil grin* right I know how the Fringe/X-Files/Dollhouse one is going to end which makes it much more likely I will actually write it. I'll let you know if I do.
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