Questions to all

Aug 01, 2008 16:18

Hey guys!
I know, that everybody is terryfied, but there is a question in my head for you.
I'm an Anti-Twilighter(YES, THEY EXIST) since New Moon came out, but I read all three and a half books, to have the right for a opinion. I have my many reasons to hate the Twilight-saga and my question is, what's with you guys? With the fans?
I know there are ( Read more... )

the failboat ss meyer, discussion

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Comments 88

laughingstitch August 1 2008, 14:33:31 UTC
I never really thought the twilight series was amazing: just a little tweens fantasy about "the perfect guy". The language is pretty basic and there are so many mistakes wit the book. The only reason i read the books was to understand what people in my SAP group were talking about.

after reading the first 14 chapters of breaking dawn, I am really surprised that it got published to begin with. I'm no Tolkien or Charles Dickens, in fact im a pretty horrible writing but I can write better than the crap that is breaking Dawn. There is no plot...

I prefer HP much more and i enjoyed deathly hallows, i didnt think the epilogue was so dreadful


onlymistress August 1 2008, 14:35:44 UTC
I never really thought the twilight series was amazing: just a little tweens fantasy about "the perfect guy"

I totally agree with this!


adaorardor August 1 2008, 16:10:13 UTC
Aw, dude, yes-- I'd always get that when the goony little girls at my library would tell me that Edward was zomgsohawt~. I'm still all like man, if that's the perfect guy, I never ever want to find him. Please no.


onlymistress August 1 2008, 17:55:10 UTC
He's not a man. He's a vrigin boy without any experiences. If that's hot, than goodnight.


(The comment has been removed)

onlymistress August 1 2008, 14:38:15 UTC
I loved Twilight, I dealt with New Moon, I was depressed because of Eclipse and I refuse to read Breaking Dawn.

That's the way I feel too.

Sometimes I think it would have been best had Bella been turned into a Vamp by Laurents venom at the end of Twilight. That would have been great. Lulz.

You are absolutely right! There should be just two or maybe three books. Really, there were fanfiction that were better then BD.


meinterrupted August 1 2008, 14:40:17 UTC
Honestly, I picked up Twilight while waiting 2 hours for a train. My baby sister loved it, as did a couple friends from college. I read it quickly, because whatever her issues with storytelling, it was a fast and easy read. I was curious about what would happen in further stories, so I read the other two books and liked some of the characters.

Here's the thing: I am invested in some of the cahracters, but the books make me want to hurl. There is a lot of potential there, but not a lot of substance. So I read them to read/write fanfic. Honest to god.


bibsy August 1 2008, 14:43:53 UTC
Anti-fans unite!


onlymistress August 1 2008, 14:48:57 UTC
*high five* :D


verschreibsel August 1 2008, 14:46:42 UTC
I never thought the series was as good as Harry Potter. Seriously I'm obsessed with HP. But Twilight gripped me and I liked it. I never thought Stephenie Meyer was like a goddess for writing the series and sometimes I had serious problems with her and what she said. But I found great friends and I know that some of them ARE that kind of people who defend her and the books no matter how stupid it gets or how intelligent they are themselves ( ... )


onlymistress August 1 2008, 14:50:47 UTC
You mean, a big big Twilight novel? JUST Twilight?
Yes, I agree.


verschreibsel August 1 2008, 15:09:58 UTC
Yeah she said something about writing and epilouge and that she couldn't include everything and so she had to write more.


onlymistress August 1 2008, 15:11:58 UTC
Big mistake. But she's just human anyway^^


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