Mmm...gyoza! I should buy a bunch of frozen ones for future bento making. ;) Those Korean walnut cookies look familiar - I ate something very similar to that from a Japanese market once. They had sweet potato and azuki inside. Yummy.
You should! Frozen gyoza and dumplings are a great bento filler. :) My hubs is a bigger fan of the walnut cookies than me. I like the choux-a-la-creme's better. ;)
I wonder if they are Japanese walnut cakes. Hmmm...
I made my first bento the other day, and I must say it didn't look nearly as pretty as yours lol! Any tips on packing it? Also, do you line your bentos with anything?
I wish my grocery store sold pre-made gyoza...the ones I tried to make didn't look very nice :( Yummy, but not very nice, nor did they have a lot of filling.
Hmm, well I tend to pack things by a what-looks-pretty standard. I pay a lot of attention to color -- if I have two food items of similar color, I space them apart with other colors in between. I also like symmetry and geometry, so I will envision triangle shaped spaces, etc. in the box and arrange the food accordingly. Does that make any sense? And I usually don't line my bentos, but I sometimes separate some items using sushi grass or foil cupcake liners.
thanks for the sesame dressing recipe! i ate a ton of sesame flavored things when i lived in japan and have been craving it since being back in the u.s. oh and your blog is super cute and fantastic!
I had a veggie-gyoza bento for lunch today! Not as charming as yours looks though, because I was in a rush this morning.
I was so excited about this new recipe because I have a cutlet of fried tofu hanging out in my fridge...then I realized I'm totally out of carrots. Gah. @_@
Comments 18
Those Korean walnut cookies look familiar - I ate something very similar to that from a Japanese market once. They had sweet potato and azuki inside. Yummy.
I wonder if they are Japanese walnut cakes. Hmmm...
I wish my grocery store sold pre-made gyoza...the ones I tried to make didn't look very nice :( Yummy, but not very nice, nor did they have a lot of filling.
I'm looking forward to your Bento Stuff post :)
oh and your blog is super cute and fantastic!
I had a veggie-gyoza bento for lunch today! Not as charming as yours looks though, because I was in a rush this morning.
I was so excited about this new recipe because I have a cutlet of fried tofu hanging out in my fridge...then I realized I'm totally out of carrots. Gah. @_@
Next time...
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