Haunted: Chapter 6

Feb 11, 2006 00:06

I'm no longer happy with this story! Why? Not because of the plot, but the way I'm writing it! Can people just suddenly forget how to write well? If there hasn't been a documented case in the past, well now there is one. I've somehow created a unique disease that steals away people's talents...it'll be named after me...Monica-itis...I'll be feared ( Read more... )

chapter 6, supernatural, fanfiction, monica-itis, haunted

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Comments 7

jainadurron February 11 2006, 04:40:25 UTC
Wait. Is there more of this? YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THIS!!!


mmarinov February 11 2006, 04:43:59 UTC
Hehe, I'm writing the next chap as we speak! :)


jainadurron February 11 2006, 04:52:03 UTC
I hit the end of the chapter and was like !!!!!!!


jenshih_blue February 12 2006, 07:36:28 UTC
Just came across this last night and saved it so I could read it. OMG! You are so freakin' killin' me here! My poor boys...*whimpers* And what an evil spot to stop! Trust me I know---I do it all the time in my stories. LOL

Now hurry up and start typing. *g*


mmarinov February 12 2006, 07:41:48 UTC
Hehe - I better read some of your stories then! Evil cliffhangers are my cup of tea.

I just (and I mean just) posted the new chap, btw. I haven't yet added a link from Chap 6 or added it to the SupernatralFic Comm, but I'm getting there! And in the meantime you can get to it through my LJ :)

Hope you enjoy!


spikers91 February 12 2006, 17:51:21 UTC
Wow! This is so awesome. Every chapter keeps getting better and better, and I can't wait to read the next one.

And congradulations on the publication! I was a huge Buffy fun in years past, and would love to read your essay if you could send me the link.


mmarinov February 12 2006, 20:25:21 UTC
Hey there! You liking it is such a compliment since you know how much I love your stuff :)

I forgot to add the link to chap 7, so if you haven't yet found it, chap 7 is up and ready!

And Re Buffy, you were a fan too, huh?? It's hard to find someone who wasn't! hehe. I'll provide the link as soon as it's made available - they have some awesome essays there! (You know, if you're a dork like me and enjoy reading that stuff :P)


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