Haunted - Chapter Five

Feb 09, 2006 02:36

Okay, this entry is going to be short and unlively, since it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm dead on my feet (er, butt?), thanks in good part to the fact that I've seem to become my family's chauffeur. Having a license has its downside. To use my mother's phrase (while hopefully not becoming her in the process): I've been driving up and down the ( Read more... )

chapter 5, fanfic, supernatural, haunted

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Comments 4

innie_darling February 8 2006, 17:21:28 UTC
There aren't enough action stories, I think. Thanks for writing such a fun one!


mmarinov February 8 2006, 23:54:28 UTC
My pleasure! Thanks for reading it! :)


belleimani February 9 2006, 00:41:37 UTC
Well done!
Say hello to Dean's little friend Jamie!


mmarinov February 9 2006, 02:57:37 UTC
Hehe, I'm loving you! Anyone who takes the time to comment on each chapter is all right in my books! And I see you yourself write SN x Buffy fics...I think I've died and gone to heaven. My two favourite shows in one easy package? Score. :)


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