Lessons Returns

Apr 27, 2007 01:00

It's been a month since my last post and almost six since my last update and if you're still out there reading this journal, I thank you for your patience!

Lessons:  I rewrote it. Gave it a big, giant overhaul that now requires anyone who's still interested to start reading from CHAPTER FIVE. As annoying as that must be, I've taken the story in a ( Read more... )

lessons; fanfic

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Comments 38

apieceofcake April 26 2007, 15:43:27 UTC
Well I loved this originally so I shall find the beginning and start again :-)

Glad you didn't abandon it!



mmarinov April 27 2007, 02:32:35 UTC
Heh, it took a while but it's back on track :D Thanks for the continued interest!


mellaithwen April 26 2007, 18:16:00 UTC
*motherfecking FLAIL*

one) you've returned into the fanfic world of JOYdom

two) um hello, I get to re-read what was once an amazing fic, and is now OMGWOW

three) angstangstangstangstangstangst

*passes you a pompom*



mmarinov April 27 2007, 02:36:33 UTC
Hey you! lol. Long time no see! *grabs the pompom* And with a pompom to boot ;) Yeah, life got in the way of my lj-ing ways, but I've carved out some time to rewrite and repost. *Scuttles away to catch up with LJ*


novembersguest April 27 2007, 00:25:06 UTC
Hey, I'm so happy to see you back, I'm starting from chapter one, lol.


mmarinov April 27 2007, 02:51:27 UTC
It's been a while, huh? And so sorry about late replies to emails - just starting to check 'em now. I'll think about the beta thing for ya...there's also a beta-site you can go to request one or choose from those advertised (I lost all my bookmarks, so if you don't already know of it, let me know and i'll refind it :D)


leelust April 27 2007, 02:59:02 UTC
Not reading yet.
So you recommended to start from the beginning not chpt 5? Cos I read all lasts back then.
I'm so happy that you return with revised story!
So will it be 10 chpt story?


mmarinov April 27 2007, 03:50:02 UTC
Read from chap 5, no need to start from the beginning unless you want to refresh your memory :) Yep, 10 chaps all up!


leelust April 28 2007, 01:33:37 UTC
Oh, I remember all pretty good and desperately want the continuation :)
Thanx a lot, now I have what to read on week-end :)


(The comment has been removed)

mmarinov April 27 2007, 05:19:45 UTC
Yay, glad you're enjoying it! :D


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