Lessons 7/10

Jul 22, 2006 18:37

There will be ten chapters all up. It's racing towards its end!

I got reprimanded on a forum for not putting stronger warnings about the language and violence, so I WARN all readers: my WIPs will most likely contain excessive language, violence and blood. I'm into Dean whumpage, what can I say? ;-D

Title: Lessons 7/10
Rating: R for language and ( Read more... )

fanfic, supernatural, lessons

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Comments 40

pheebs1 July 22 2006, 09:56:08 UTC
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is good!! I felt Dean's pain when he was speared.

I loved Sam's countering Susie's MacGuffin explanation with: “There’s always a point. Red herrings are used to distract the audience. To hide the real clues, the…the twist tending…”

Dean not wanting to stain the seat. He DOES need a shrink.

“Buy a goddamn puppy, already.” Ha Ha.

And I can't wait to see the next bit.


mmarinov July 22 2006, 10:06:28 UTC
Hee, glad you enjoyed! I couldn't resist drawing in some cin studies lingo - the story's based in a college, I felt it appropriate, lol. We all know there's twists in these stories, 'bout time our boys figured that out ;)

Love your icon, btw!!


pheebs1 July 22 2006, 10:45:40 UTC
Aw thanks. I can't remember who made it, but it's written in my userpics section.Ah, the lovely Giggling Kat at tv_boyfriends of course.

And I've posted a fic. (If we're into self pimping hee).

And I've nearly planned my trip of travelling for a year, which involves the lovely AUSTRALIA!! As a random excitement.


mmarinov July 22 2006, 13:03:03 UTC
And I've posted a fic. (If we're into self pimping hee).
Woo! I'll go read it now. I love self-pimping - I have such trouble keeping up with my flist, otherwise. (That's an open, unexpiring invitation, lol)

And I've nearly planned my trip of travelling for a year, which involves the lovely AUSTRALIA!! As a random excitement.
A year of traveling! You lucky thing! I'm hoping my studies will get me to america or the UK for a few sems of postgrad. What part of Australia??


legoline July 22 2006, 10:14:38 UTC
Oh God, now I'm really curious - evben more I mean. Heck, what does Damien want to do with Sam? And ... and... Dean and ... *whimpers*


mmarinov July 22 2006, 10:24:38 UTC
Aww, there there. It'll be okay...maybe.

Dude, pimp your stuff my way. I haven't had time to keep track of my flist but I don't want to miss any of your drabbles!! It isn't really pimping if I ask for it =D Lol.


legoline July 22 2006, 10:37:21 UTC
It better be!!! :p

Dude, pimp your stuff my way. I haven't had time to keep track of my flist but I don't want to miss any of your drabbles!! It isn't really pimping if I ask for it =D Lol.


Okay :-) I just ... didn't want to be annoying but if you ask for it, I can be! :-p Hopefully I'll get to write more soon, though, the heat wave here is killing me :-)


legoline July 22 2006, 10:38:42 UTC

apieceofcake July 22 2006, 13:31:37 UTC
>> I'm into Dean whumpage, what can I say? ;-D

And bloody hell woman, you do it so well!

Dean's quips to Sam when he's in so much pain made me laugh, as did this

>> My blood…stain the seat. Not happening.”

Then there was Sam's

>> Sam smiled. It almost looked sad. “He doesn’t know Dean Winchester very well, huh?”

Too right *g*

Loved it!!!!!!!!!!


mmarinov July 22 2006, 13:52:23 UTC
Hee, so glad you enjoyed!! You can never go wrong with the whumpage, huh? ;) Why do we find it so guh-worthy??


apieceofcake July 22 2006, 14:31:03 UTC
>> You can never go wrong with the whumpage, huh? ;)

Nope *g*

>> Why do we find it so guh-worthy??

I really don't know, only I can't seem to get enough of it..LOL!
I was like this with Angel too..I'm a sick woman..lol! Perhaps it's because we'd like to be doing the ones doing the comforting..


a_decembrist July 22 2006, 16:25:33 UTC
Oh man. Oh MAN! Go Dean, go! Who said Dean couldn't put two and two together? And if Sam's so worried about Dean's health, maybe he shouldn't let himself get dragged away so that Dean has to save his ass... :P

I love how everything we've read so far just sort of unraveled in this one chapter, but then came back together again.

And of course, because it must be said...awwww, Dean! Ouch! Poor guy. I want him to stop baiting the bad guys, but he just wouldn't be Dean if he didn't, you know? Great chapter!


mmarinov July 23 2006, 02:54:06 UTC
Dean's pride is too thick for his own good, lol. Yeah, I've realised I've made poor Sam victim-boy, or bargaining-chip boy. *Sorry, Sam! I love you, I do, but you sure do like to get yourself in trouble...*

I love how everything we've read so far just sort of unraveled in this one chapter, but then came back together again.
Woo! That was the aim!

Really happy you enjoyed =D I think I'm going to write the rest of the story and *then* post the indiv chapters...just a heads up ;)


a_decembrist July 24 2006, 00:32:50 UTC
Yes, well, as Dean makes oh-so-obvious every time he opens his big mouth, pride goes before a fall. Not that I mind watching him fall, and then picking himself back up. :)

I'm sad :( that you're not going to be posting subsequent chapters soon, but I know what you mean about being antsy when you're not satisfied with what you've written (I read your post on this topic). Good luck, and I can't wait to see the pretty, finished product!


mmarinov July 24 2006, 04:46:53 UTC
>>I'm sad :( that you're not going to be posting subsequent chapters soon, but I know what you mean about being antsy when you're not satisfied with what you've written (I read your post on this topic). Good luck, and I can't wait to see the pretty, finished product!<<

Antsy! That's exactly the phrase for it! And thank you! =D I'll try to work on it quickly. Prob is, I have these huge gaps b/w classes while the friends are in classes with nothing yet to do, so I should be using the time to worko the story...but fanfic...where all who peek over your shoulder can see it...I'm shamedly reluctant! I need a laotop. *heads off to check out ebay*


Lesson anonymous July 22 2006, 22:41:52 UTC
Can i say I absolutely love your writing. This story has me on the edge of my seat. Thank you. Look forward to more soon please.


Re: Lesson mmarinov July 23 2006, 02:57:19 UTC
Thank you!! Really appreciate you commenting to let me know =D

Look forward to more soon please.
I was actually thinking of writing the rest of the story first and then posting indiv chaps, just to make sure the endig turns out right...Hmm...or maybe I should just post the umpolished chaps as I finish them like I've been doing...I'll think about it, lol.


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