TV is GOOD Again!!

Apr 21, 2013 01:26


Guys…I'm compelled to make a post because you know what? TV IS SO GOOOOOD AGAIN!!!

I'll go behind the cut to blather on, but I'm all excited about so much stuff right now. Some new and a few new to me, but fairly recent, and a couple upcoming ones I'm excited about.

So…behind the cut I go for gushing…

First up: Defiance. Guys, there's so much potential here. There's a Farscape vibe I'm loving and I've watched the pilot ep more times than I'll ever freely admit to (okay, like seven, sue me. LOL) Now, I'm known to rewatch stuff a lot, but aside from Arrow, Doctor Who and Orphan Black, nothing has really grabbed me enough to rewatch. Defiance had me from the opening scene. :D

Speaking of Doctor Who and Orphan Black…BBC America owns me on Saturday nights. I'm loving the new companion, which honestly…after the Ponds, didn't know if I would fall in with the new one or have to get used to her. Moffat played it well by introducing her WAY early in a totally non-conventional way, IMO. Then again, his method of dovetailing so much stuff and carrying little bits and pieces from episode to episode and series to series is something I truly love and enjoy.

Orphan Black? What can I say? This show is rich and complex and never does quite what I expect and I LOVE THAT IT DOESN'T. Sarah (and her many incarnations) is intriguing and Felix…OMG…he rocks! I almost fell off my chair laughing when he pulled babysitting duty and threw a twisty twist (don’t want to spoil anyone, but if you've seen the episode, you KNOW what I mean) in that cemented him in my heart as the BEST of the BEST pseudo-sibling EVER. LOL

Seriously, with a show that's got so many things going on, Felix brings some airy fun to the table.

Let's see…what else? Arrow is still my go to fave. It just gets better and better. The way the island scenes weave into the current timeline is so well done. And I like how it unfolds slowly, revealing little pieces of information/pertinent details to show how Oliver's experience there shaped him…then overlay that with how being back is smoothing off some of the jagged edges he had to develop while stuck on the island. I don't know…it really works for me.

I can't wait to see what direction they take Tommy, Laurel, Thea, Roy, and hell, even Moira. The push and pull and back and forth shades of gray tend to make a show for me and Arrow has a bunch of all the above. Felicity steals every scene she's in and she's just a great third to Oliver and Diggle.

Another thing I love is sometimes finding clues on a rewatch. Things that maybe don't seem overly important but end up playing a part in another episode. Nothing major, but small details like that make me happy.

Next up, Lost Girl. What a season! Seriously, so much happened. Who knew I'd end up loving Vex so much? LOL Anyway, I can't wait for more. I want answers. I mean, we got some much needed ones, but they spawned like a zillion more. Awesome, right? Exactly.

Still watching Castle for fun and enjoyment. Watched Monday Mornings and found it entertaining but a little lopsided. Not a bad show at all, but maybe needs some time to find its footing.

Hmm…what next? How about new to me shows? The ones I tend to mainline after they're aired their full seasons?

First up: Banshee. Totally effed up show, but I completely love it. I don't even know what to say about it except it sucks me in. Sometimes it's so raw it feels like a scab's been ripped off but I have to know what comes next. LOL Interesting characters who I probably shouldn't root for…yet I do.

Strikeback: I watched the first series with Richard Armitage and Andrew Lincoln and fell in love. The second and third series are kind of a departure from the original but then again that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm five eps in to the second series, but I've seen a bunch of the eps…just not in order. LOL

Anyway, Stonebridge and Scott currently own my soul. Both are flawed but I'd be happy to have them rescue me if I got trapped somewhere I shouldn't be. They get shit done. Sometimes in majorly effed up ways, but yeah…who cares. LOL

Blargh…thought about getting into what I'm looking forward to, but the brain is sleepy. Warehouse 13, for one, but everything else just went *poof* Wait! Longmire in May and whenever the TV gods decide to show Jamie's new show The Smoke, I'm totally in. Seriously, half my family is involved in the fire and EMS service so I'm really looking forward to seeing how it's done in the UK. :D

Okay, gotta hit my bed. More updates in the very near future.

Catch everyone on the flip!


fandom, tv, yay

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