Title: Immensely Annoying Correspondence, Mr. E. to Mr. A. (Selection)
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: pre-movie
Summary: PWP. Like: Plot, what plot? (not that Porn one). A graphic fic.
Author's Note: originally written in Polish, for a ficathon at
multifandom_pl, can be found
here. I want to thank
idrilka and
panna_pierogowa for English and Czech translations <3
Using four question marks in a row is a deadly offence to punctuation and does not, despite what you may think, strenghten the emphasis.
(And it's most certainly not Darling, Mr. Eames.)
And you're still alive? Well, talk about incompetence...
You really have some serious gambling issues.
On top of your drinking issues.
(Also, Elvis is dead, Eames. If he was alive, I'd have known.)
The answer to both of your questions is "no".
(Bogatyr or Azrael?)
The things you can do with your tongue, whatever they might be, still don't impress me, Eames.
I don't even want to know.
(After the preliminary analysis of the data I can safely assure you that mpreg is not possible. Really. It's not.)
St. Petersburg:
Bogatyr and
Azrael Prague: I want to hear your voice and your whimpers and your pleas for dirty, beautiful words. I'll call you soon.