Title: Forged by Fire
mlebayre Genre: General
Characters/Pairings: No Pairings, Dean and Sam, some other folks.
Rating: R
Spoilers: This is an AU. I've taken canon and events from all seasons, but they are more references than spoilers.
Notes: In this verse Sam never dies, so Dean never makes his deal.
Summary: Apparent mistaken identity lands Sam
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Comments 16
i'm reading your other completed fics which helped fill me in on who Forge and Valkyrie are and who Abaddon is.
I just love your writing. When I was reading Forged by Fire and my heart is thumping in my chest and I felt as claustrophobic as Sammy did in the prison.
I'm trying to wait calmly for the next chapter.
Thank you for this, you are an incredible writer!!
Thanks so much, I'm so glad you're enjoying this story. I love writing it.
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