Go here for post 1 of 2. Ok, time for the main event. Most of the equipment was on the stage for the whole show. As each band got off, equipment would disappear. They set-up and tore down drumsets for each of the opening acts. They all had the drumsets setup in front of an Aiden banner. Emanuel must not have one, or not have replaced it yet. Shannon's drumset was already setup behind the Aiden banner. And I must say, the opening acts had such tiny drumsets in comparison. LOL. Read something sexual into that if you like, I did. *g*
They also had Shannon's drums up on a platform. With all the opening act equipment gone, Jared, Tomo, and Matt also had lots more room to move around.
The backdrop of the stage had the trinity logo on it, and they had the red banners on the sides of the stage, but no ouroboros.
The set list, in rough order of play:
A Beautiful Lie
Buddha for Mary
The Kill
The Story
Battle of One
Was It a Dream
The Fantasy
A Modern Myth
They played two of my three favorites: The Kill and A Modern Myth. (They played Re-Evolve in D.C., so I heard all three this week. *g*)
Jared played Echelon, the beginning of Was It a Dream, and A Modern Myth alone. That was kinda odd. I knew he played some of the acoustic songs alone, but I never realized he did that in a full scale concert.
Jared was playing priest again. I know some people dislike that, but I get a kick out of it. Of course I'm not Catholic. But Celeste and Nathalie are both Catholic, and neither of them seemed to care. Jared also had the hat on. Poor baby, I wish he knew he didn't have to hide in his clothes just because he's still a few lbs heavier than he'd like to be. In the Fuse interview (filmed the next day), Jared said he lost 40 some lbs already. You certainly can't see the last few extra lbs.
Tomo was in his normal longed sleeved black and Matt in sleeveless black. Apparently Matt sweats easily. (See the Fuse interview.) *g* Shannon was wearing cropped black pants and a short sleeved black shirt with some design I couldn't make out.
Awesome concert. They have such energy on stage. I found myself focused on Jared the most. Probably Shannon, after that. Shannon stood up in between a few songs. Was thinking to myself "sit down, you have more songs to play". And they all left the stage "early". Again, thinking "there's no way that was a full set". The audience chanted "one more song". They did more than one after that. At least the last four songs were after the stunt.
Jared walked the barrier a few times and crowd surfed on Tomo's side of the stage once during Buddha. Jared also ran off stage at one point and kept singing. Kept expecting him to pop up in the audience, but he just ran back on stage.
Tomo was such a cutie with the whole head motion thing. I'm surprised he doesn't get dizzy. *g* Jared and Matt both jumped up on the drum platform briefly, Matt doing the rockstar (raise the guitar up) pose.
Jared told us he lived in Philly (he attended school at the University of the Arts) and used to walk by the TLA, and he was thrilled to headline there.
Oh, and Jared referred to us up in the balcony at one point. He said they were the VIP seats, and that this wasn't a Celine Dion concert. Jared honey, love you, but there's no way I'm going down into that crowd after Aiden's stunt with the huge Mosh Pit.
What else? Jared dedicated A Modern Myth to the 30STM fan that died about a year ago. Don't know his name. His parents were in the audience. That was sweet. Makes those goodbyes all the more poignant.
After the concert, we all went down on the ground floor. They kicked everyone out without an armband and we lined up along the wall. The boys signed in the bar area. They were on the other side of a short barrier wall, and slightly above us. They were really gung ho pushing everyone through the line. Single line. Tighten up. All that stuff.
So the signing was a bit of a rush. They were standing Jared, Matt, Tomo, Shannon. (Or were Matt and Tomo reversed?) Anyway, crazy me went all this way and ended up fixating on their hands from handing the CD booklet to Jared till Shannon handed it back. I only really looked up at Shannon. God he's got such beautiful eyes. I swear, when we got back in the car, I asked Celeste if Jared was wearing eye makeup. She thought no, but some of the pics I've seen posted say yes. *g*
We didn't try to find the bus, although I think we drove past it trying to get out of that part of Philly.
Went back to the hotel and crashed. Planned on a nice 10 wakeup. The bloody hotel decided to test the fire alarm at 8:15 am. My ears were already ringing, they certainly didn't need more punishment. So, I got up and went to the lobby. Surfed the web in the one internet ready machine they had available. Nathalie, I still haven't gotten to make comments on a lot of your posts.
Met Celeste for lunch at Bennigan's. Then I headed back home to Baltimore.
Awesome trip. It was a thrill to hang out with Celeste and a thrill to see 30STM in person. Had a smile on my face for the rest of the week.
Pics coming soon. In the meantime...
Other Philly posts/threads (with pics):
http://community.livejournal.com/30secondstomars/321922.htmlhttp://thirtysecondstomars.emiforums.com/index.php?showtopic=297206http://thirtysecondstomars.emiforums.com/index.php?showtopic=297601 Fuse appearance on Wednesday:
http://community.livejournal.com/30secondstomars/322788.htmlhttp://ladyjackyl.livejournal.com/911421.htmlhttp://linux.provehitoinaltum.com/Gallery/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=0http://mmara.livejournal.com/99427.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/30secondstomars/326733.html That's about how Jared and Shannon were dressed when they walked down the street.