Arise, children of Who_Knits The day of glory has arrived! Against us, the tyranny's Knitted banner is raised. (repeat) Do you hear in the fields The howling of these savage knitters? They are coming into your midst To rip out the rows of your scarves! :D
A year from today, on July 9th, 2007, at 7:00 pm EST, comment if you believe in Purple Primates.
Comments 1
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us, the tyranny's
Knitted banner is raised. (repeat)
Do you hear in the fields
The howling of these savage knitters?
They are coming into your midst
To rip out the rows of your scarves!
A year from today, on July 9th, 2007, at 7:00
pm EST, comment if you believe in Purple Primates.
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