end of year reflections...

Dec 26, 2012 22:23

First off, a reminder to myself: flannel sheets are awesome. Mom and I realized that there ARE twin sized flannels at the farm (they didn't all go with me to college). There's a pair of flat sheets that were my Great-Grandmother's in the house. THANK JEEBUS. I'm so much more comfortable now. :D ( Read more... )

film, holiday 2012, comics

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Comments 23

misachan December 27 2012, 05:04:55 UTC
I LOVE MY KINDLE. I don't buy ink and paper books anymore - not that I don't love them, but I don't have enough shelving for the ones I already own and I promised myself I wouldn't add to the hoard until that was squared away. I have...50 (?) books I can carry around with me and I can read giant doorstopper Game of Thrones-style monstrosities without having to lug a heavy thing along with me. And a bunch of them were free, since Amazon has a ton of "classic" books available for free download. The book I'm reading now cost $1.99 for the first two books of a six book series, and if it ends as good as it started I know what I'm nominating for Yuletide next year.

So, yes. \o/ for kindles and other ereaders.


mizz_destiny December 27 2012, 05:22:37 UTC
I currently have my mom's old Kindle. It's not backlit, which is a pain in the rear. So now that I'm getting an iPad, I'm going to use it for Kindle things. YAY!!! I COMPLETELY agree with you. I've only bought 5 books in the last 6 months. all textbooks, I'm a college student, textbooks must be read before novels :( Three out of of the five were kindle editions. One wasn't offered digitally (WTF?) and the other cost $77 new, $66 kindle, and $25 used. I bought the used edition :P Doorstoppers I am SO over. I've been over them since Goblet of Fire. And that's why I haven't read Game of Thrones yet - although that's next on my list after I catch up on Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series. I love the free classics - best things ever (booo! Little House on the Prairie, hit your copyright expiration date!) What is the series? I'm always looking for new things to read!

Do you ask for e-books as presents?


misachan December 27 2012, 06:25:29 UTC
It's called Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations) by Michael J. Sullivan. It's standard epic fantasy in a lot of ways (mercenaries! Elves! Royal conspriacies!) but I eat that stuff up and the two mains are a lot of fun. And again, it was an amazon daily deal so it cost all of $1.99 (although the sale is over now, sadly.)

I have the old kindle too, although I've heard good things about the new Paperwhite. Honestly, it would be worth it just for the ability to load long fanfic onto it so I can read big bangs-length stuff without squinting at my phone or having to carry around my laptop.

Do you ask for e-books as presents?

I've long ago learned the folly of expecting my family to actually get me the books I want instead of books that kind of maybe have the same color covers as the ones I want. Better to get a gift card and stalk the digital sales.:)

(I know how HTML works, honest. /o\


mizz_destiny December 27 2012, 15:52:03 UTC
I am always looking for new fantasy to read! sounds good to me :)

Yeah, my old one is also in B&W. Can't wait for color! And also loading those big bangs would be nice. I also want the iPad to take notes in class - my laptop is too big to carry comfortably, and I generally have horrible hand writing. Bought a case with a keypad, so I am all set!

the folly of expecting my family to actually get me the books I want instead of books that kind of maybe have the same color covers as the ones I want
whaaaaat? that's just so many levels of wrong.

Everyone in my family gives out and asks for so many books. Next year, I will have to SPECIFICALLY state that I want the kindle editions if I ask for them. (secretly, I think my aunt got me the physical copy of the book so she could read it. she always does that :P)


bizarra December 27 2012, 05:06:04 UTC
Ugh... relatives and their issues... big families suck..My uncle is a pain in the butt and wants a lot of something for a lot of nothing. :/ Even his mother changed her will after seeing how he acted after our aunt died. With the funeral home in the family there was big money as well as a family business. He ran as far as he could to not work there, yet he was always pissed when he didn't get his "fair share". Ugh...

Personally I prefer books... there's nothing better than actually turning a page, but iPad comes with iBooks and it's a good ereading program. You can probably get the kindle program for the iPad so you can download kindle books in it. :)

My 12 cents. :)


mizz_destiny December 27 2012, 05:34:08 UTC
eh, yes. Sometimes they do. I mean I love them all, but some of them scare/annoy/frustrate/pick your word me. Being the only one of my generation - and trust me, it's a good thing my aunts and uncles haven't reproduced - means I get the brunt of it. My mother likes to joke that I get to deal with their stuff when they die. I always respond that I'm hiring someone to do it :P

I'm over pages. Sorry :P My mother uses the Kindle app on her iPad. It's usually really nice. What's REALLY awesome to read on the iPad though is the Martha Stewart Living. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. They've integrated video, pictures, text and everything sooo seamlessly. It's beautiful, intuitive and so much more than they can do in print. Allllll ebooks should be like it - especially textbooks. I have a whole rant related to this though. So I'll stop :P


bizarra December 27 2012, 05:45:29 UTC
My uncle actully nanny nanny booboo'd my dad for being left out of their aunt's will. (My sister and I split the portion that my dad would have gotten) This is why their mother changed her will and gave her house to my dad instead of my uncle. Haha!

LOL I'm an old fashioned girl. I stood inside Border's and actually cried when they were having their Going Out Of Business sale. ebooks are making bookstores go away and for that I will never forgive them. *nods* I only have like 3 ebooks on my iPad. One of them the Oz collection, because it was very cheap.

There is an interactive book version of Dracula. It is amazing.. look for it when you get your iPad. :)


mizz_destiny December 27 2012, 05:57:36 UTC
UGH. Deplorable. SOMEONE DIED, and he is being a bitter bastard >:( People sometimes.

Heh, living in dormitory size rooms and moving 5 times in the last 5 years has really made me realize how much STUFF I have and do not need. I'm downsizing! Oh, and you shouldn't have even paid for the Oz collection. It's copyright is expired, so it should be free :P


fadeintodawn December 27 2012, 12:04:24 UTC
Ugh relatives. I'm glad this year was better, even if they can't get their act together for your gift! But even so - IPAD YAY. Enjoy it!!!

You know how I feel about e-books. :P I have nothing against them, but since I read almost all my books from the library I don't feel that owning one would be very helpful for me. If I traveled more, I'd definitely want an e-reader. But I'd look for a region-free (okay that's not the right term, but one not attached to a specific provider) because I hate having to buy all my books from one source (Amazon, B&N, etc). I hear bad things about Amazon's shady business practices every day, so I don't buy from them unless I can't find something anywhere else. I would not want a Kindle because you can ONLY buy from Amazon.


mizz_destiny December 27 2012, 16:07:48 UTC
IKR? Speaking of relatives, hope your trip north to see the fam isn't beset by crazy weather :P

We agree to disagree on the e-books :P That's what's cool about the iPad, you can buy from B&N, Amazon, iBooks and WHEREVER. They're all on there. Granted I can do that on my laptop too, but you've seen my monstrosity. It's too heavy to carry around. (I do have someone on my flist that lives in an area where she can't get digital editions, from ANYBODY. she tends to ask people to buy them for her and email them to her. She pays.)

Oh, and my mom just discovered that she can check digital editions out from the library. For her it's great, because as a farmer, she never has time to get back to the library and return books. She's gotten a lot of fines from the library up here :P


fadeintodawn January 2 2013, 01:38:09 UTC
It was fine! We got five-ish inches of snow one day, but nothing bad. And there was some drama but not too much.

Yes, the iPad is definitely cool for that. And I would love an e-reader for reading classics / free downloads.

The library borrowing with digital editions is very cool. There's a lot of drama with publishers about how to do that (how many copies at a time, how long, some don't allow libraries to lend their books) and it's crazy to keep track of. I feel bad for libraries trying to figure it out! I wish there was an easier standard method. It's an awesome way to borrow books instantly.


mizz_destiny January 2 2013, 03:25:23 UTC

GET ONE! they're fab!

I know. Digital rights is totally the next Big Thing, am I right?


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