Charades ~English Version~ chapter 2

Oct 05, 2008 01:35

(*cha•rades [noun] guessing game: a game in which somebody provides a visual or acted clue for a word or phrase, often the title of a book, play, or movie, for others to guess)
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG15 - NC17 later
Disclaimer : I wished they were mine...
Summary : Kamenashi Kazuya is a 3rd year student of High School, stressed from the tension of his exam. He met Akanishi Jin, a playboy who ironically genius and alumnus from his school. Kame asked him to teach him, yet he didn't know Jin's real intention...
A/N : this fic is another English translation from my previous non-English fic, with the same title. I wrote them a long time ago, and blame me for all the nonsense XDXD~ Thx u so much for akame_hime for translating the fics for me. ILUSM dear =D so i dedicated this fics of our hard work for you~~

betaed my my wonderful beta carey_chan


At Night, Kamenashi Residence
--Kame’s Room-

The six mat tatami room looks gloomy with its monotone wallpaper and piles of books stacked in every empty corner. Kame is sitting in front of his table, facing an exercise book with a pencil in his hand. His face bored and uninterested.

“Argh, I don’t understand!” he mumbles to himself. The pencil in his hand roles down to the table and Kame immediately closes the thick book he hates the most. Screw the medical school!!! To hell with it!! Why should I work this hard for something I don’t even like?

Kame’s mobile, which in the silence mode, vibrates. Kame takes it and sees ‘ 1 new message’ on the screen.

SENDER : Akanishi Jin
TEXT : Pick the time and place for tomorrow! You still want to study ne?

SENDER : Kamenashi Kazuya
TEXT : Hey, tell me the condition term.

SENDER : Akanishi Jin
TEXT : It’s not time for you to know. Time and place for tomorrow! Hurry!

Kame sighs. He’s actually curious about Jin’s term of condition. Why can’t he just know now? What kind of condition was Jin about to propose that can’t be said just like that?

SENDER : Akanishi Jin
TEXT : Hey Turtle, don’t waste my time… time and place~

SENDER : Kamenashi Kazuya
TEXT : I’m free after three. You pick the time and place.

SENDER : Akanishi Jin
TEXT : Fine. Meet me tomorrow at four at the usual park. DON’T DARE TO BE LATE! OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!

SENDER : Kamenashi Kazuya
TEXT : Hey, what do you mean with ‘I’ll be sorry’?

SENDER : Akanishi Jin
TEXT : Try to be late and you’ll see…

“Freak.” Kame huffs in confusion as he read the last message from Jin. The more he tried to get to know Jin, the more Kame didn’t understand him. Jin always acted mysterious, unpredictable and couldn´t be held, just like the wind. Kame puts down his mobile, “Feels like I’m being played by Joker.”

The image of Joker as the strongest and most mysterious card seemed to suit Jin`s image. Though some people found that kind of attitudes to be annoying, Kame thought of it as interesting and he finds himself unable to leave.

“I think I was right,…” whined Kame, “Jin is a person Otou-san would love to have as his son. His strong character fits Otou-san´s expectation. Unlike mine, weak and untalented.”

Getting frustrated by his own thoughts, Kame left his study and threw himself on his bed. He tried to close his eyes but all he saw in his mind was Jin’s figure. Why? I just saw him twice! I don’t even know him! Kame stared at his ceiling and kept fighting with his own mind. Slowly, his lids felt heavy thus Kame closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day
--Hoshino City Park, 15:58--

Kame walked slowly on the pavement with the circling pattern that lead to the center of the park. The air feelt warm with the sun sill high and shining brightly in the sky..Just one or two white cotton balls clouds floats in the blue sky.

“Hey! Over here!”

Kame turned around and found Jin waving his hand at him. He’s sitting on one of the park benches near the playground. Today Jin was wearing a loose white shirt with a wide neckline that fell a little over his shoulder, showing his collarbone. A worn out blue jeans full with gothic chain accessories, fitting his dark retro sneakers.

Jin smiled as he saw Kame, “You’re cute outside your uniform.”

Kame did manage to go home and change his uniform. This time he choose a white polo shirt with black and white graffiti pattern, a dark baggy jeans and white sneakers. One black wristband adorning his left hand.

Jin puts his arm around Kame’s shoulder, “So, are you ready to study?”

But he didn’t even wait for Kame’s answer before he starts walking. Kame had to fasten his steps for Jin’s enfold almost drags him along. “Jin, where are we going? Library?”

“Library? You gotta be kidding me! Library`s only good to make you stressed even more.”
“So, where are we going?”
“Urusai! You talk too much. Just follow me.”
“Eh, but…”
“Just trust me will you ?”

--Serene Family Restaurant--

Kame stares at Jin with confusion written all over his face. Jin, who had dragged him to the corner and sat by the window, was now staring at Kame with a smiley face. A very confused and uncomfortable Kame tries to asks, “Ano… Jin…”

“Shut up.” Jin gives him the menu by the edge of the table, “Order anything you want.”


“Relax, My treat.”

That only worsened Kame’s confusion. He thought that Jin would take him to that place to force him pay for this treat as a study fee. Jin cheerfully said his order to the waitress, “One Chicken Steak, one Lemonade Blush, and one Parfait Deluxe. Ne Kazuya, what’s your oder?”

Kame, who was unprepared to answer, stuttered and looked at his menu, “Eh… Ano…”

“Too long!” Jin snatched the menu from Kame’s hand, “Just order the same things.”

“Eh, but…”

“But what?”

“I don’t like sweets…”

“Okay, fine.” Jin turned to the waitress, “Please double the order but one Parfait Deluxe only. Get it?” The waitress blushed when Jin handed the menu with a wink. Then Jin showed his well trained smile that could melted even the shyest girl’s heart, “And make it fast ne?”

There was something weird fluttering in Kame’s heart when he saw that. Nothing came from his mouth when their orders arrived. Like a robot, Kame ate efficiently and quietly. Jin stared at Kame confusedly, “You haven’t said anything.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, anything`s fine. Like, why don’t you like sweet.” Jin scooped his parfait without even finishing his steak, “I think it’s very delicious.”

“I just don’t like it.” Mumbled Kame, “Sweet makes my throat feels weird.”

“Your lost.” Jin smiled and took another big scoop of his ice cream. Kame stared at Jin’s tongue which wiped the corner of his lips. His tongue movement somehow looked erotic and inviting.

“Don’t stare at me like that.” Jin laughed and winked. Kame looked away to cover his blushing face, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Ne, Kame-chan…” Jin took another big scoop, “You like to run away ne?”
“You don’t even tell the truth about why you don’t like sweet… There must be a reason, right?”
“Shut up.”

“Eh?” Kame was about to say something but changed his mind after hearing Jin’s cold and harsh tone which was a toal contrary to the cheerful tone he used all these time. Jin shook his head several times and hissed with a cold daunting face, “You always run away.”

Kame was unable to say anything. His tongue and mind stucked. And somehow he coudn`t tear away from Jin’s stare.

Leisurely, the 2 years older boy leaned in and pulled Kame’s collar, making him do the same. Kame stared at the face before him ,girded by a killing aura, without blinking. And when Jin’s face got even closer, Kame had had a hard time focusing on Jin´s eyes.

“Ee… Ano…” stuttered Kame but Jin cut in with a intimidating tone, “SHUT UP.”
“I said, SHUT UP.”

Is he going to hit me?

Kame shut his eyes. But the punch he’d been expecting didn`t come. Instead, something cold and sweet forced itself into his mouth. The cold taste tickled his tongue and slit down his throat fast. Kame coughed once, opened his eyes and saw Jin smirking with a parfait scoop in his hand.

“Tastes good?” asked Jin with a playful expression. Kame nodded with a blushing face he couldn’t cover. Jin laughrf, “You sure are surprised ne?.”

“I thought you were going to hit me.”
“Hit you? Why?”

Kame didn’t answer that. He was too confused with Jin’s unpredictable attitude. He felt trapped within an endless labyrinth.

“Let me guess.” Jin pointed at Kame, “You must be thinking that I’m very hard to understand.”


“I’m right, aren’t I?” Jin stared at him with a playful sight and Kame felt like drowning in those brown eyes. As if hypnotized, Kame nods weakly. Jin finished his parfait and turned to Kame, “Then try to understand me from now on.”

Without further ado, Kame finished his meal too. Jin called the waiter over and payed the bill. Then he stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

“Where to?”

Kame followed Jin from behind. His head full with things he couldn’t understand. Without realizing it, their distance increased and Kame couldn`t see Jin anymore among the crowd.

“Jin…” Kame tried to call out but Jin’s figure seemed to be outside his vision range. All of a sudden someone grabbed his hand. A very surprised Kame turned around to find Jin standing beside him with short breath, “You! Can’t you even walk properly? I thought you’re lost!!”


“Come on!” Jin grabbed Kame’s hand once more and made sure no to let go again. At first, Kame wanted to let go of their entwined hands but to seeing Jin walk beside him made Kame change his mind so they kept walking in peace.

I don’t understand any of these… But to feel Jin´s warm hand.. somehow my heart beats faster… I don’t know why but there’s something in me that feels like absorbing… falling for him… Just with him holding me like this, I feel like I can give myself fully to him…

-to be continued-

fanfic: charades_translation

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