Almond Blossom [3/?]

Oct 05, 2008 01:24

Almond Blossom
-flower language for Almond Blossom : Lover’s Charm-
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : akame
Rating : NC17 for angst and smut
Disclaimer : don’t worry, JE is still located in Japan. XDXDXD
Summary : years ago, they were best friend. But things happen and fate separated them with a harsh way. Now after 5 years, fate joined their paths once again. Can they fix everything while the only memento of their past was a pair of silver bracelet ?
A/N : sorry for the slow update… and yes, I knew… this chapter is crappy (>0<) gomeeeennn!!!

i planned to post this chap after my beta sent me the betaed ver, but she told me that she is busy... and many people asked me already, so i choose the previous method : post this first and edited later after i got the betaed ver~


Kazuya opened his front door and stepped in. Holding two bulky plastic bags, he sighed. His current apartment is nice and comfortable, thanks to his hard work for years. Back then, he must struggle with old moldy room and gloomy atmosphere; his mother tears haunted him as she yelled to his father-blaming someone for ‘stupid enough to confront the superior’.

His former self will shut himself in his bed, covered all of his body with a blanket; tears running from his eyes as he repeated “ I’m sorry… I’m sorry… This is my fault “ with a broken heart. His parents never blame him directly, but they let him knew that it was his fault. All of the miserable situations they suffered are his faults…

“ They told us to move once again ! “ His mother screamed hysterically, “ And this is not the first time. I fed up with this situation ! I hate to move, and start everything over and over for nothing !! “
“ Shut up, will ‘ya ?? This is not MY fault ! “
“ Yeah, right. Not YOUR fault “ His mother threw another dishware to the wall. CRASH ! And she yelled more, “ But SOMEONE ELSE. Who stupid enough to let us suffered like this ! Why the hell he didn’t use his brain for once ?! “

Kazuya shivered and tried to erase all of his bad memories.
That was over. He tried to convinced himself. I have passed all of them…

Through these last years, he has suffered much. His parents finally divorce and split up; neither of them wanted him. Kazuya faced the situation with severe pain in his heart, but didn’t say anything. He moved to Saitama all by himself and started a whole new life; worked hard and does everything at his best. His career is steady and improving; and after the last promotion, he got transferred to the main cooperation in Tokyo.

…and he met him again…

Drowned to his own thought, Kazuya remembered Jin’s expression before in his office. After those miserable years, finally he found the familiar sight once again. A pair of eyes that looked at him with affection and love; so passionate and care… gleamed in pure happiness…

“ Kazu “
The light turned on and the bright light filled the room in a jiffy. Stood near the light’s switch, Amahara Satsuki smiled at him. Kazuya blinked, “ Satsuki…? “
“ Hi, Kazu-chan “

Amahara Satsuki is his boss’s only daughter. Beautiful with almond shaped eyes, long black hair and her princessy-feminine features; Satsuki always gets what she wants. Her dad practically fulfill everything as she wishes, since she got a disorder in his heart. She isn’t a brat; but has less empathy due her egoistic behaviour.

She fell in love at the first sight with Kazuya, and insisted her feelings. Kazuya didn’t accept her feelings, yet he couldn’t reject her directly since she was so nice to him; with naïve attitude and pure affection towards him.

“ Why are you here ? “
“ Mouuuu… Why did you say that ? “ Satsuki pouted, “ I’m your girlfriend, Kazu-chan… “
“ But Satsuki, I’ve said before that… “
“ I didn’t want to hear any objection “
“ But I have… “
“ …a person whom you love since years ago. I knew “ Satsuki stared at him with a kicked puppy look, “ But can’t you considerate my feelings ? Even just a little bit ? “
“ I… “
“ Ne, Kazu-chan… Do you want to eat something ? I’ll cook “

Kazuya sighed, “ No need. Beside… how could you enter my apartment ? “
“ He-hee “ Satsuki waved the metal key in her index finger, “ I asked my dad to gave me the spare key. This apartment belongs to the company, remember ? “
“ Satsuki, this could be called as a crime, you know “
“ Mouu, don’t say that ! “ Satsuki pleaded in kid’s tone, “ I just wanna be closer to you “

Satsuki ignored all of his rejection and turned on the television. She was changing the channel over and over when she remembered. “ Oh, you forgot to bring your cellphone before right ? There’s a call for you “
“ From who ? “
“ Well, he didn’t mention his name… He just asked to speak with you and asked who am I, then he suddenly turned off the call… His caller ID is Hitoshi…or something like that “

Kazuya’s eyes grow wider. It’s from Jin !
Satsuki, like everyone else, misread Jin’s name. Many people think the kanji is read as ‘Hitoshi’ but the real read is actually ‘Jin’.

“ Satsuki, I’ll take you home “
“ Whaaattt ? But I just arrived, Kazu-chan “
“ The time is late already. Come on, you must go home “

Satsuki pouted, but complied Kazuya’s words. He took her home using his car, and waved goodbye as the girl walked into her house. Along his way home, Kazuya tried to call Jin’s cellphone; but the line is busy.

“ Jin… I need to talk with you… “


Meanwhile, at the same time…

“ Dad, what the heck is this ?! “ Jin threw the thick envelope to the desk, “ We need to talk ! “
“ So you find out already ? Forget the boy, Jin “
“ Dad, stop using dirty tricks for me ! And I already told you that I didn’t want to attend any omiai “
“ You have no choice, Jin. You need to engage soon with this girl, either you like it or not… “
“ What ??! “
“ Her dad owned a big company which has great relation and powerful influence “ Jin’s dad pointed at one of the picture which fell from the envelope, “ Beside, she is pretty “
“ I didn’t care for anything of it ! “
“ Then, I’ll give you one interesting point “
“ What is it ? “ Jin replied in sarcastic tone.

“ …her name is Amahara Satsuki “ Jin’s dad smirked as he saw the change of Jin’s expression, “ And you must knew who she is already “

--to be continued--

...and i really want to dig a hole to burry myself...
this chap is not too long, and ended so crappy XDXDXD
I hope this chap is still okay... *crossfinger*

fanfic: almond blossom

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