[fic] Promise...

Sep 06, 2008 19:54

Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG15
Disclaimer : I owned nothing… wait, maybe the umeboshi is mine ? XDXD
Warning : ANGST. With capital letter. I repeat : ANGST. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…
Summary : Back then, Akanishi Jin made a promise to Kamenashi Kazuya… And he will fulfil that promise no matter what.
A/N : this fic is the English translation from my previous non-English fic, with the same title. I wrote the fic a long long time ago; so when I translate the fic, I fixed some part since I found my old-style is a bit embarrassing LOLZ *bricked*

Dedicated to tenshicaluvkame  since she was the one who asked me to translate my non-English fanfics. Ten-chan, douzo ! Hope u like it =D
Love and kisses for my luvly beta carey_chan~ ^________^

Ne~ Jin… Do you remember the promise you made that night ?

I remembered it well… I won’t ever forget about it…
It was a full moon that night. You were sitting beside me; your head laid on my shoulder. Then suddenly you looked straight into my eyes and whispered with a serene voice : “ Ne~ Jin, do you love me ? “
I was petrified at that moment. I guess my face must have looked so shocked since you immediately apologize to me. But I was okay, I just surprised at that moment… I never thought that you still kept some insecure feelings about our relationship even if I say that I love you every day,or in every chance I got.

So I smiled and gazed into your dark orbs and said…

“ …I love you more than anything in this world “
“ …I promised that I’ll keep loving you no matter what “
“ …I’ll always stay here beside you… to protect you, to take care of you, and I’ll never ever leave you “

I made those promises to you…
And I’ll fulfil them no matter what…


The morning sunlight filled the room through the half opened curtain. The window itself, which was located towards the east, seemed so pretty with it`s white curtain that framed the dark-coloured window. The golden sunrays sparkled onto the blue wall with a magical touch; the harmony is soft and breathtaking. This room is my favorite place in our small apartment; and you are right-blue is the perfect colour for it.
It feels like diving underwater, to see the sun beyond the sea.

I yawned, and realized that you didn’t lay here beside me. Your bedside is empty, with the blanket that seemed opened in rush. Your pillow still held your warmth, so it must not be too long ago since you woke up.

I left our room, sat in our living room. Our apartment is small; that’s why we didn’t place many furniture in it. A small loveseat located in the middle of the room, near the coffee table. The wall, contrasted with our room, painted with warm solid colour; the dark orange colour-almost red. I insisted this colour, said that it was reminded me to the sunset we once saw together. You sighed and suggest some other colour; like green, but I didn’t listen. That incident made us fight for three days, and we barely spoke to each other at those time.

And at the fourth day, when I went home, I was surprised to found that you have painted the room with the colour I want. You gave me an innocent smile and didn’t say anything else. At that moment, I didn’t feel that I won against you. I even felt so ashamed for my childish behaviour; when you are so mature and gentle.

The front door opened; and you came in, holding two bulky bag that contains daily stuffs. From the logo printed in those plastic bags, I found out that you went to the usual 24 hours store. “ Jin… I’m home “ you said it with the usual tone, and placed the stuffs in the pantry table. As usual, you buy too many things… Toothpaste, detergent, coffee beans, sugar, salt, eggs, mayonnaise, butter, canned fruit, frozen meat, some snacks and… an onigiri with umeboshi flavour ?

Ne, Kame-chan… You hate umeboshi so much ne ? In the Oshareism show, you clearly stated that. Even though I like the taste,you hated it to guts. So you bought the onigiri for me-even you always refuse when I offer you some.

“ NO…!! “ You backed off and pointed your finger towards my face, “ Don’t you dare to come closer “
“ Why not… ? This is good… “ I teased you, offered you the half-eaten onigiri and you backed off more, “ Not in a million years, Akanishi ! I hate it so much, and you knew it ! So stop teasing me and throw that thing immediatly ! "

You are a liar, Kazuya…

I smirked and kissed your lips. I embraced you tight; caress your body and licked your lower lips, forced them to apart and joined our tongues together. We taste each other salivas; the umeboshi flavour swirled in our kiss; but you didn’t refuse it. You shut your eyes and drowned to our kiss, care no more about the taste you hate…

The sound of your recting snapped me back to reality. You closed the tap with teary eyes, huffed and seemed so tired. You moved your legs towards the window, and stared far away through the glassy surface. Your eyes went dimmer, as you seemed to watch something far beyond the horizon; but I knew you are daydreaming again. Your body looked so fragile; as if it could be broken with a single touch. You lose your weight drastically, and you never eat more than half of your food. You vomit so often, live your life with torturing yourself every single day.

“ Mou… stop it Kazuya…! 'You only hurt me sad with what you do to yourself'… “
“ Ne~ Jin… “ You muttered in hoarse voice, “ Did you remember your promise to me that night…? “
“ I remembered it well…! I never forget about it, not at once ! I promised you, Kazuya… “

“ You said… that you will love me more than everything in this world… “ Your tears running down over your pale cheeks.
“ I ALWAYS love you more than anything in this world “

“ You also said… that you will keep love me no matter what “ Another tears dripped down, stained your shirt in wet mark.
“ I ALWAYS love you, Kazuya… No matter what. And it’s true… “

“ You promised me… that you’ll always stay here beside me, to protect me…to take care of me… You promised that you’ll never ever leave me, Jin… “
My own tears fell; running down my face. I stood there in front of you, felt my heart shattered piece by piece everytime a single of your tears fell down.

“ You lied to me, Jin… “

I saw you in the another side of the street… I waved, and you smiled when you saw me. You waved back, and I told you to stop and wait for me there. I walked across the street…

And everything happen so fast.
You screamed.
A car whose the driver was drunk hit me; and everything turned black… I fallen to the darkness… and when I opened my eyes, I saw you…
You were crying, held my body which covered in blood. My blood…who couldn’t be stopped even you tried so hard. You hugged me and screamed my name in hysterical tone until your voice turned into a mute scream… but everything was too late.

Fate ripped the both of us to different world…

A strong wind blew through the open window. A framed photo of us shaken; you run as fast as you can, but it fell down to the floor; the glass chrashed into many pieces… You dashed to it berserkly, tried to collect the shattered glass.

“ Kazuya !! Don’t…! “ I yelled, but you couldn’t hear me. You tried to picked the pieces with tears covered your sight and… “ Aaaw…! “
The piece cut your finger, the blood dripped to the floor. You put your wounded finger in your mouth, while your tears keep rolling in sorrow.

“ It’s enough…! Kazuya… stop torturing yourself… “
“ Jin… “ You called my name softly, hugged our photo tight in your chest, “ I missed you… “

I was here…

“ …I wished that you could stay here forever by my side… “

I have always stay here beside you, Kazuya. Always…

“ I love you… “

And I love you too.
I stayed here by your side, even you didn’t realize it…
I keep protect you, take care of you…
Loving you… FOREVER.

“ You have promised me… “

I have promised you.
And I’ll fulfil my promises no matter what.
Because I have made those promises…


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