[fic] Officially Missing You...

Sep 06, 2008 19:33

Officially Missing You...
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG15
Disclaimer : I owned nothing… not even the song XD
Summary : a sequel-kinda-fic for “ SECRET LOVE”. Yeah, somehow this one turned into an extra story before the real sequel.
A/N : Inspired from Tamia’s “Officially Missing You“. I inserted the song lyrics in the story =D I divided the story to two parts, the Kazuya’s and Jin’s part. Not some fic diary, but I wrote Kazuya’s part first as the usual. I’m working on Jin’s part right now. =p

this is the edited version. thx 4 my luvly beta carey_chan~ ^________^

-Kazuya’s Part-

The sky is pitch-black at that moment; with dark thundered clouds and moistness that filled the air. Pressed his palm onto the frozen window, his breath turned into a white misty shade on the glassy surface.

“ It seemed to be raining soon “
A voice from behind startled him. Kazuya turned back and threw a bitter smile to the baldy feature, “ …yeah, seemed so “

“ The staff informed that the next scene’s filming is delayed “ Kouki sat in the chair that placed in the corner of the room and yawned, “ Aaaah… Woke up early in the morning for nothin’… I’m sleepy “
“ Sleep then “
“ I didn’t want to sleep right now “ the older guy whined, “ I’m hungry ! I haven’t eat my breakfast, you know…! I want to eat… “
“ Eat then “
“ Aaaaw… You are so cold, Kazu-chan ! “ Kouki pouted, “ Eat with me, please ? I knew a good place located nearby “
“ How about Ayase-san or Toda-san ? Before, you bragged around about ‘make some moves’ with them “
“ They already left to some other place ! I didn’t want to eat alone, Kazu-chan… You didn’t have anything to do, right ? “

Kazuya took a deep sigh, think to refuse the offer. But he has nothing to do, and Kouki’s offer was so tempting since his own stomach was demanding for some food already. Ruffled his dark coloured hair, he answered hesitatingly, “ …okay “

They went there using a taxi. It hasn’t rained yet, but the rain’s fragrance tickled the air intensely. The place which Kouki mentioned is a cozy tea house; dominated with warm solid colours. Mixed the traditional and retro style, the furniture is unique and stylish. The dim light gave some privacy for the customers, felt so comfortable with artificial Sakura everywhere for the accent.

They took the table near the window. Kazuya sat in his sofa and took the menu which placed on the table. The tea house offered different kinds of tea, along with traditionals tea snack.

“ Welcome. May I take your order ? “ A waitress in cherry-red yukata greeted them. Both of them nodded. Kazuya took a couple of seconds, “ Kukicha then “
“ I’ll take the Mecha “ Kouki ordered, “ And two Cream Anmitsu “

After the waitress noted their order and left; Kouki stared at Kazuya and broke the silence, “ …are you thinking about him again ? “
Kazuya startled and shook his head, “ No. I am not thinking about Jin… “
“ I didn’t mention any name “
Kazuya blushed, glanced through the window to avoid the sensitive topic. The rain has fell outside, the raindrops knocked any solid surface with steady rhythm.
TICK TICK TICK… The endless sound heard like a lullaby, created a mellow athmosphere.

…all I hear is raindrops
falling on the rooftop
Oh baby, tell me why’d you have to go
‘Cause this pain I feel it won’t go away
And today… I’m officially missin’ you

It was a big irony for Kazuya to hear the song that played softly in the background; he stared at the ceiling and massaged his temple. Kouki took the latter’s silence well and didn’t say anything at all.

It was obvious, the pain that Kazuya feels after Jin left to LA several times ago. The youngest member of KAT-TUN didn’t say anything about it, but everybody noticed that he was hurt and drowned in his own sorrow; took too many jobs jobs for him to handle, just to keeps himself busy.

“ Kazu-chan, are you okay ? “
'Koki noticed the sudden change in Kame. He seemed unhealthy with all that weight he lost in just a few weeks. And his pale face tortured his make up artist since he never got enough rest in his spare time.

“ Fate played with me,ne …? “ Kazuya murmured, forced a fake smile plastered on his face. The song’s lyrics prickled his heart with invisible thorns; while the woman’s melancholy voice continued the song.

I thought that from this heartache, I could escape
But I’ve fronted long enough to know
There ain’t no way
And today I’m officially missing you

“ …so I was right, ne Kazu-chan ? “ Kouki patted the younger’s arm, “ …that you missed him “
“ Yeah… when I remembered that he was so far away in LA, it hurts “ He pointed his chest; right at the part where his heart was beating.
“ If you do love him so much, why you let him went away…? “
“ I didn’t know, Kouki… “ Kazuya’s voice weakened, and it was painted in sadness. He was drowning into his own deep thoughts when the waitress came back and served them the order; smiled as she gave the usual greet : “ I hope you enjoyed the meal “
Kouki nodded to the waitress, while Kazuya took a sip of his tea and listened to the song again.

Ooh...can’t nobody do it like you
Said every little thing you do, hey, baby
Said it stays on my mind
And I… I’m officially...

All I do is lay around, 2 years full of tears
From looking at your face on the wall
Just a week ago you were my baby
Now I don’t even know you at all…
I don’t know you at all…

“ Ne, Kouki… “
“ Yeah ? “
“ Do you believe in love ? Those sentimental things like ‘fate’, ‘love at the first sight’, ‘pinky’s red thread’ or something else similar to it ? “
“ It’s so-so, I believed. I rather practical “ Kouki answered, “ Why’d you ask ? “
“ Because I used to laugh at them… “ Kazuya replied, “ Back then, I didn’t believe in those stuffs. I deny them; I deny ‘love’… But after I met Jin, it was changed “
“ …changed ? “
Kazuya smiled; a sad smile, “ You know… It feels like he was the one for me; and our memories remained here in my heart. I’ve always think that I knew everything about him. I thought that our future will be ended with the magical ‘live happily ever after’. But I was so naïve back then, and I got that I was wrong “

Kouki didn’t say anything, and the younger one continued, “ Life isn’t a fairytale, but I realized it after it was too late. I’ve given him my whole heart, while he never realized it. It was frustrating, it pains me a lot… especially when the gap between us grew wider and we were becoming strangers to each other “

Well, I wish that you would call me right now
So that I could get through to you somehow
But I guess it’s safe to say, baby, safe to say
that I… I’m officially missin’ you

Ooh...can’t nobody do it like you
Said every little thing you do, hey, baby
Said it stays on my mind
And I… I’m officially…

“ Kouki, define ‘love’ “
“ Eh ? “
“ Just tell me your define of ‘love’ “
“ Ehm… a feeling that makes your heart races and warmer ? “

Kazuya gave another faint smile, “ You know what…? Love isn’t that simple. The love itself isn’t as innocent as we think “
“ …what do you mean ? “

Well, I thought I could just get over you, baby
But I see there’s something I just can’t do
From the way you would hold me
To the sweet things you told me
I just can’t find a way to let go of you…

“ For me, love means ‘tears’, ‘sorrow’, and ‘broken-hearted’. Love is suffocating, yet I hold this love tight. Because I couldn’t bear of losing him, the one that I love “
“ Kazu-chan… “

Ooh...can’t nobody do it like you
Said every little thing you do, hey, baby
Said it stays on my mind
And I… 1`I’m officially...

“ I missed him, Kouki… “ Kazuya’s tears rolled down through his cheeks, “ …I missed him. So much… “

It’s official
Hoo, you know that I’m missin’ you, yeah, yes
All I hear is raindrops, oh, yeah
And I… I’m officially missin’ you…

tea snacks’ glossary
 Kukicha is tea stems that also selected while refining. It taste light and has fresh flavor.
 Mecha is tea buds selected while refining Sencha or Gyokuro. It has strong flavor and taste. It is better than coffee when standing sleepy.
 Cream Anmitsu are anmitsu with ice cream on top.

fanfic: officially missing you

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