akame’s secret diary

Jun 25, 2008 16:55

[akame’s  secret diary]  
As It Never Happened…
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Akame …since it’s about their secret diary yes?
Rating  : PG15 for angst theme
Disclaimer : I pray every night that someday they will be mine…along with their diaries XDXDXD *thrown to the sea*
Summary : Response to
newssuki’s Akame's Secret Diary. Kazuya and Jin recalled their nights in their own way... After their made love, Jin always leaves Kazuya alone… and it hurts him. I apologized for make them cheesy… XDXD I always suck with summaries~ (>0<)
Warning : un-betaed. I thought my English is improving, but spare me for grammatical errors and misplaced vocabulary… XDXD
A/N : Inspired from “Silence” by Azuma Takamiya. However, I only took the beginning part since the real story isn’t finished yet. I also made some changes~ And the rest of the story is purely written by me. I split the diary to two parts... Well, I was working for Jin's part (Hunger Night)... Douzo~~

Kame’s Diary : Bitter Morning

He opened his eyes slowly. Through the half opened curtain, he could see the sky out there, deep black as an ink’s spread with sparkling stars beyond the horizon. It was a quiet night, as it always be. The air held the mixed fragrance of sandalwood and sweat scent, hazed with the cold breeze of the early morning.

Kazuya tried to sit down, covered his nakedness using the blanket. The older man was putting his clothes back, showed his muscular back. A heart-wrenching scene for the latter, who hesitantly called the older’s name.

“ …Jin ? “

The latter gazed at him, “ It’s okay, Kazuya. Go back to sleep. I was on my way to leave “

Kazuya bite his lips in silence when Jin simply left his apartment without any turning back. No other words; no any ‘good bye’, no ‘see you later’… and never will any ‘I love you’.

But I want you to stay.

I want you to held me in your embrace when the morning comes. The real morning with sunshine in this room, not 2 a.m in the morning when the moon is still exist...

But you always leave.

You acted as we did something wrong; something unforgivable and we must covered it. And you always left me alone after we make love; no matter how passionate it was…

Tears started to rolling down from his cheeks. Kazuya hugged his knees against his chest and sobbed.

When you touched me, I feel whole. I feel complete.

But when you left, I feel used and empty.

I always know about this feelings, since this is the was our relationship’s pattern.

But I always fell on the same mistake…

It was a couple hours later when he took his own clothes on the floor; put it on before he sat in his chair, opened a titleless navy blue book with a black pen in his hand. His dark brown locks fell between his eyes; he paused and hesitated for a second. The navy blue painted sky beyond the window gave some shade effects into his room. Finally, he moved his hands and wrote down the sentences from his heart…

Dear Diary,

This is our first page together. Honestly, this is the first time I wrote a diary. You are my first diary, since I never own one before in my life. I never write down things in my life into a book, and never think to start write a diary… but things became very hectic lately and I realized I need to share some of my secrets; the secret that I can’t say to other people…

My name is Kamenashi Kazuya. I’m the fourth year student in my university. I took design major since it has become my passion since a long time ago. But the reason I wrote a diary is about another person.

His name is Akanishi Jin.

You knew, Akanishi Jin is a man that took your breath away by just looking at him. I heard his reputation already, being a player and other bad boy’s stuffs… yet people attracted to his charm since he has something called absolute dominance aura. His look is perfectly gorgeous, with tanned body and dark brown orbs.

He took the same major with me, and we became best friends for this late two years. Sometimes, people wondered how we could get along. I mean, our personality were so different; as we didn’t have anything in common.

But we did get along. Even from our first met. I still remembered that day; it was two months after attending the university. I saw him tried to call one of his friend, looked desperate. He paused for a moment before our eyes met. There’s something in his dark orbs allured me, so I asked him what’s the matter.

“ My friend, Pi, promised that he will lend me his notes for the report tomorrow. Yet he leave me alone to attend some stupid goukon ! I tried to call his cellphone, but it was useless. I really need those notes and he promised me already, but he left without saying anything. I’m doomed now since the report needed some important stuffs from the notes“  He ranted in whining tone.

“ You took design major ? “ I pointed at the book he was carrying. He nodded.

I smiled, “ Well, I took the same major with you. My apartment is five minutes away from here, and if you didn’t mind… I can lend you my notes “

And that’s how we ended here, in my apartment. I gave him my notes, and he was so surprised to read it. “ This note is so neat…! “ He praised me, “ This note is even better than Pi’s…! “

So we spent the more couple hours together. He copied my notes and I explained some things he didn’t understand. Then we talked about anything. We laughed and interacted as we were best friends since years ago.

My cellphone rang that evening, and I received my girlfriend’s call. At that moment I felt his intense gaze stared possessively into me, but he kept the innocent smile on his face and maybe it was only my imagination.

A week later, my girlfriend cried. She confessed to me that she fell for somebody else, and she can’t keep pretending that she loves me just to maintain our relationship.

“ This situation isn’t fair for you “ she said, and I didn’t say any word.

The broke up is quite hurt. I mean, we kept our relationship for two years already, and the way it ended is kinda painful for both of us. But I get through it. Maybe after these years, our feelings turned more into friendship than lover. And we managed it, we still keep in touch as friend… even it was awkward in the beginning.

And I didn’t realize since when I got used to it. For several times, Jin always steals my girl; dated them behind my back or even took them before I make some moves. Many people asked me if it was okay for me to make friends with Jin since he always steals my girl; but I just smiled and told them it was okay.

“ We shared the same taste for girls “ I said, and they will stared at me with shock expression since I was so calm as there was nothing wrong.

Ne, Diary...

Do you know why ? Because I realized there was someone who being more precious to me than those girls. I thought I was crazy, yet I can’t deny the fact. I do love him. I LOVE JIN…

I didn’t know how to call our relationship these days. It was started after his last broke up; he knocked my door in the middle in the night. As he stepped in, he muttered about his broke up and keep ranting about it.

“ Ne, Kazuuuu… Can you comfort me ? “ Suddenly he said those sentences with a pleading eyes. I laughed, “ Why not ? “

And those two words changed everything.

I was shocked when Jin moved closer and grab my waist, pulled me into his arms and kissed me. He pressed his lips hungrily against mine, and my eyes widened as my brain turned into static condition.

“ Jin…? I wasn’t a girl “

“ I knew “

“ But… “

He hushed me and deepened our kiss.

That night, we made love for the first time. It was painful when he joined our body; I felt my body is torn apart, but he treated me gently… whispering my name and kissed me tenderly. I never regret that night… but it became painful as he always leaves after we made love.

Dear Diary,

I always keep a fear in my heart. A fear of someday, he will turned his back against me and simply leave me behind…forever. He never said that he love me. He never made any promises…

A knock on the door startled him. Kazuya closed his diary and kept it in his drawer before opened the door. Yamashita Tomohisa, Jin’s friends, stood there in front of the door.

“ Yo Kazu-chan “

“ Hai Pi… Come in “ Kazuya walked into the kitchen to make some tea, “ Do you need anything ? “

“ Oh, I just looking for Jin. He was here with you, right ? “

Kazuya paused for a couple of second, “ No, he didn’t. He already left “

“ Heeehhh… And I thought he said that he stayed at your place tonight “

“ He did. But he left early in the morning “ Kazuya murmured in daydreaming tone, “ I wonder what he thinking anyway “

“ But Kazu-chan… he treated you special, ne ? “

“ Eh ? “

“ You are the closest person to him. He never stayed over at anybody’s place before “ Pi sip his tea, “ He also visited your place so many times “

“ He came here because my apartment is located near the campus and it was convenient for him “

Pi shrugged his shoulder, “ Well, I dunno… But I felt something gentle in his eyes as he looks at you “

“ It can’t be true… “

He never stayed.

He simply left when the morning comes.

He never said anything about his feelings to me.

There were no promises…

“ Kazu-chan… are you okay ? You looked a bit pale “

“ I’m okay… “

But everything turned black the next second… He felt his consciousness  left him. He tried to hold something, but it was failed. The darkness swallowed him…

Jin… what was me for you…?

--continued to Jin's part--

fanfic: akame's secret diary

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