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Feb 12, 2008 17:48

Eternal Summer +chapter 1+

Fanfic by Mizuno
Rating  : PG-13 for this chapter
Pairing : lovely Akame ^^;
Summary : Akanishi Jin haunted by the same dream every night… When he went to the beach in his dream to solve the mystery, he met Kamenashi Kazuya, a guy who hate him so much…


He sat on the white sand, watching the crimson sun paint the sky in red as it slowly disappears through the horizon line. The waves hit the beach in harmonic rhythm. He pulled his knees against his chest and tried to warm himself as the cold freeze frozen him. The sky slowly faded out and turned dark…with starry skies that seemed like a jewelry box.

He sighed… Slowly he stood up and walked through the long narrow path. He didn’t say anything, yet his heart wondering…

Why…? Why he didn’t come ?

Or he didn’t get the note ?

“ Yeah, it was a small note. And I just put it on the table without saying anything. Maybe it fell or being thrown away by someone… He didn’t get it… “ He tried to convince himself, “ Geez, I even didn’t check it again… “
The next day, he peeped the room with devilish smile on his face. But instead of seeing someone sleep there, he just found an empty clean room.
“ Eh…? “ he gasped in confusion.

The old man who run the inn saw him, “ Oh, you was looking for him ? He had checked out “

“ What ? “

“ His friends came to pick him, so he checked out yesterday “

He bit his lower lips as he felt something stabbed him right on his heart…

…that’s all ?
That’s all I meant for him ?
Probably he thought I was nothing at all…



“ Are you sure this is the right path ? “
Akanishi Jin rolled his eyes into his best friend who was driving beside him, “ Yeah “
“ Are you REALLY sure ? “
“ For God’s sake, Junno… You have asked me those same question 29 times ! And yeah, this is the right path “ Jin stared Junnosuke Taguchi with stressed face, “ And why you keep asking it while this is the only road we found ? “
“ Be-ca-u-se… “ the man beside him replied, “ This is the single-only-road which we passed for nearly four hours. It felt like a infinity union which has no end “
Jin chuckled, “ Relax, Junno “
“ Yeah, try to be in my position ! “ Junno mumbled, “ Suddenly your best friend dragged you along to nowhere-far-from-civilization place. When you realized, you already drove a stupid car to a place which even didn’t exist in the map “

In fact, the beach Jin once spent summer vacation there was really exiled. It was didn’t exist in the map. Jin was taking the wrong bus at that time, because at first he wanted to visit some other place. But it was a peaceful sea-side village, located between the beautiful beach and a high cliff, with beautiful scenery. So he decided to stay there… Well, at least that was what his friends told him. He had no memories for that place at all. It was a big blurred puzzle. But he did remember his friends came to picked him home…

“ Why I must stuck here with you ? “
“ Since the bus company broke last year, the only way I could visited that beach again is by using our own car “
“ My car “ Junno emphasized his words, “ And why me ? “
“ Because you said that you remember the way here. You are the only one who still remember “
“ I said I maybe remember the way “
“ Oh, come on “ Jin gave him the puppy eyes, “ That’s what friends for, right ? “
“ Only good for you “
“ Just shut up and keep driving. Beside, it’s too late for turning back “

Junno gave him a bitter expression and say nothing more. In a while, the air changed into the warmer sea-salty breeze. Jin lowered the window and let the fresh fragrance tickled his nose.

“ There “ He pointed to a high cliff beyond the horizon. The beach located below, across the deep blue ocean. The sea was tempting, sparkling from the sunshine’s ray, with steady pace of waves hitting the shore. Pure white sand beyond, and their mixture called something leaping out from his heart.

Jin blinked slowly, “ I here… “


Junno parked his car near the small in. It was a creepy old building with dirty wall and always creates squeaking noise. Junno sighed in desperation. Unfortunately, that inn was the only inn in that small village.

“ Move your damn ass and bring that up “ Junno glare to Jin, pointed their baggage in the back seat using his chin, “ I bet this creepy inn even didn’t know the word ‘porter’ “

But despite it’s looking, the inn is quite clean and comfortable. They got a big traditional room upstairs, facing the sea. That Japanese style room was covered by new tatami, bright with sunshine and has a small balcony. The view is really great.

“ Not bad, right ? “
“ Still… “ Junno pointed in front of Jin’s face, “ I swear I’ll leave this exiled place in a week, with or without you “
“ I knew. That’s our deal before “
“ Do anything you want here, finish whatever  your problem is… Now just let me rest “
“ You didn’t want to join me for a walk ? “
“ You can say that since you are not the one who drove all the way here “
“ Eerr… Okay “


Jin was walking down a small narrow path through the shore to reach the beach when he saw someone was sitting there watching the ocean with empty eyes. The guy seemed one-or-two years younger than himself; with slim curved body, dark brown hair, silky skin, pointed nose and thin luscious lips. The pretty guy realized that he was no longer alone and turned his face to see who was approaching him.

Jin tried to smile, but the younger man didn’t appreciate his stupid smile at all. Despite it, he glare with a very cold eyes, “ YOU…! “ Even his tone heard surprised and filled with hate.

“ Ehm, I have no mean to disturb… “ Jin tried to say some excuses, but the latter shouted with a very angry voice, “ Why you are here ??! How dare you !! “
“ I… I… “
“ I don’t want to see your face anymore !! “
The younger man elbowed past and left the beach without saying any more words, leaving Jin froze there in big deep confusion.

What the hell is this…?
Why he so angry ?

Something in his heart screamed loud, that he felt he knew the younger guy. Jin gasped in pain as a very strong headache suddenly stroke him. He hissed, “ I…knew…him…somehow I felt that I really knew him “

Who is he ?

-to be continued-

yosh...another chap... I'm still working for chapter 2, so it may spent a while before I post the next chap~ *blushed*

fanfic: eternal summer

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