Title: Consummation
Genre: Twilight - Angst / Drama
Characters: Bella, Edward, The Cullens, Jacob, Renesmee, et cetera, et cetera...
Details: Canon, AU
Rating: T/PG13
Warnings: Language, Violence, Some Innuendo
Status: Completed
Beta'd By:
bookishqua ,
xtalleenx ,
blondieakarobin ,
segolily , and others I know I'm forgetting!
Summary: "Edward's perspective during the events of Breaking Dawn.
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Comments 5
great job on this, hon, but you already know what i think. the imprinting line is still my fav. oh and the one about the man with the red hair *squeals*
i still adore that banner. but it's not as pretty as the one you made for me *smiles haughtily*
read my email, i need heeeeeeeeelp XD
Thanks. I like the banner, too. But I do love yours better. ;)
Rob is like Folgers coffee. He's good to the last drop. ROFLXD
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