happy day

Apr 25, 2014 14:29

“I love you, Mama,” Young Indiana said as we ate lunch, and then leaned over. I leaned over to kiss him and he said, “Ah ah ah! I will do it!” and kissed my cheek.

Pretty hard to be anything other than happy when you’ve got that kind of sweetie boy. :)

Beyond that, however, I’m pleased to report that the agent likes the PADYA proposal, and while ( Read more... )

life is good, writing, compulsive hair disorder, family

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Comments 5

pameladean April 25 2014, 18:30:16 UTC

Yay agent!

I am very much impressed by the braid. I started trying to learn to braid my own hair, not in any fancy way, just a basic braid, about six months ago. I've achieved a braid that will work while I'm sleeping, but man, it is really hard to get a tidy effect for the daytime. I've started peering myopically at characters on TV who have braids -- and you know what? Their braids are messy! So that's something.



mizkit April 25 2014, 18:41:54 UTC
I'm terribly impressed by the braid myself. :) I can now manage THREE kinds of braids: a standard one, this one, and a Dutch (or inside-out French) braid. I cannot, however, for the life of me do a French braid on my own head. I don't know if I always braid backward from how you're supposed to do a French braid (and hence end up with the Dutch) or if it's just trying to do it behind my own head that makes me do it backward, but I just cannot do it. :)

I have also taken to myopically staring at braids on TV and indeed on random strangers on the street. Most of them are much fancier than I could ever do to myself. :)


pameladean April 25 2014, 19:35:18 UTC
You must have a higher quality of braids in Ireland. Or I'm looking in the wrong places.

I do everything backwards behind my head. It took me weeks to figure out that my initial braids looked wrong because when I pulled the braid around to the front to finish it, I started braiding in the opposite direction.

Brains are weird. I wonder if there is some crazy exercise one could do to allow braiding in the proper direction from behind one's own head. But it might result in a wormhole or something, you know?



amberley April 25 2014, 19:53:13 UTC
It's never too late to be a Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch!

Also, nice braid.


deborahblakehps April 26 2014, 01:10:58 UTC
I have been braiding my hair in a regular braid since i was a kid--never did master any of them fancy kinds, though. I am mightily impressed.

Also at the discovery stage on my own new book, and feeling like I am crawling along...

Yay for the agent!


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