compulsive hair disorder

Mar 24, 2013 21:40

The other day-several days ago now, on a brief shining moment of sunlight which has not been seen again, sigh-I got a look at the amount of white on my scalp. I actually have an *excellent* natural Rogue streak going on. Unfortunately, it’s the stripe of hair that falls down over my ears, rather than being at the front or even at the temples, ( Read more... )

compulsive hair disorder

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sharpwords March 24 2013, 21:50:46 UTC
This has been the War Room's Dyeing Weekend (thankfully not Dying Weekend) - I did mine yesterday (or rather, got it done) as a crimson dip-dye... No bleach involved though.

Weirdly, the other Alaskan-in-Ireland I know used to also have a Rogue stripe, although hers wasn't directly Rogue-inspired.


irishkate March 24 2013, 22:12:36 UTC
You know you can get hairdresser's to dye to go actually white rather than just the blonde from bleach... My hairdresser showed it to me one time I was talking about going white for a change...


mizkit March 25 2013, 06:59:32 UTC
Hairdressers are reluctant to damage hair that badly if a substantial amount of your hair is not already coming in white. :)


deborahblakehps March 25 2013, 01:00:24 UTC
I have what I like to call "Nature's highlighting" -- silver hair that is coming in mostly in streaks, which so far looks kind of cool. Someday I will undoubtedly hit a point where the streaks outnumber the dark brown...

Yours is way cooler, though.


suricattus March 25 2013, 02:16:24 UTC
I admire all of you, with your funky-fun hair. As I said on Twitter, I'm far too lazy to do anything with my hair that requires MAINTENANCE! , so I'll just have to be the oooo-ahhh crowd. :-)


flit March 26 2013, 19:04:29 UTC
Ironically I am getting an ever-increasing streak of grey coming out in my forehead... but it just generally dullifies my hair and isn't very distinguished at all. I've been pondering adding henna except there is a risk of ending up with shiny new penny hair in not a good way. (And it sounds like grey hair gloms up the henna even more so it would give me a carrot orange streak on penny hair.)


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