triumph complete. :)

Aug 02, 2012 22:18

I couldn’t help myself. I did up the formatting properly and I’m quite happy with it. I’ll have a proof copy printed, and perhaps I’ll do a give-away with it or something once I’ve had a look over it to see what detail work might need fixing.

And yay, my ad is up at Bitten By Books! I’m running a 2 month ad there to see if it boosts sales any, and ( Read more... )

short stories, collections, design, old races

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Comments 1

controuble August 2 2012, 21:28:20 UTC
Those plans sound great. My BYD is already on pre-order, so I hope it goes well and we can get the rest. I really prefer hard-copy and SubPress' books are lovely, so I would buy all of them.


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