
Feb 19, 2012 21:54

Conversation on chat last night:

“What movie did you go see?”

“A Dangerous Methos.” *pauses, staring at that, because after twelve years, more than twelve years, I still cannot type “method” without first typing “Methos”* “Method. A Dangerous Method.”

Follow-up on Twitter:

37 other people: I would totally go see A Dangerous Methos!

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Comments 3

irishkate February 19 2012, 21:35:32 UTC
I'm right there with the other 37 people in wanting to see "A dangerous Methos"


kira_snugz February 19 2012, 21:57:02 UTC
my husband jokes that he won't let me go see a dangerous method because i don't need a fruedian excuse to find viggo mortenson hot. i bet he would totally let me go see a dangerous methos though. lol.

i would love to see fassbender in a rom com. that would be delightful!


knappenp February 20 2012, 18:23:15 UTC
I don't like to post 'me too' comments, but me too. Jung vs Methos? Yeah, I'm totally there.


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