The following poll is long (a whopping FOURTEEN QUESTIONS!!!), so I'm putting it behind a cut. You will notice I am No Fun At All, and have not made this a Ticky Box Poll, but rather a Radio Button Poll, which means only one answer per question. This is because I'm more or less trying to avoid "all of the above" answers, because I'm trying to get an idea of what might work *best*, and "all of the above" doesn't necessarily help me, or indeed anyone else trying to learn from this, in that regard.
Feel free, of course, to also comment and tell me that "all of the above" is suitable, but if you'd be so good as to jump through my hoops too, I would appreciate it. :)
Anyway, in order to try to gain a sense of scale, there are variations on some of the questions, so you're not actually stuck with just one answer, just a range of importance. I hope. :)
Poll The Great Big Crowdfunding Poll