so what do you do…

Nov 02, 2011 02:42

…at 1:30am when the baby is up again for a second jetlagged night in a row? You go make with the bright makeup and do a little middle of the night photo shoot with the FREAKING AWESOME CHANCE MASK THAT GOWS SENT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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chance, zomg!, best friends evah, squee!

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Comments 19

ellenmillion November 2 2011, 01:45:53 UTC
Oh, OH, OH! That is seriously cool.


clanwilliam November 2 2011, 01:46:13 UTC
Bottom pic both freaked me out and put me in a place that T might not like unless he could watch. Admittedly, G will probably have a similar reaction.

BTW, I think it's illegal to be your own evil/sexy/arse-kicking twin...


pers1stence November 2 2011, 01:52:52 UTC
Damn, E did a pretty damned awesomely kick ass job with that....


gows November 2 2011, 02:15:41 UTC
Actually, all I did was contact a kick-ass leather mask maker friend of mine, send her some urls to a couple of Chance covers, and let her rock it. I think she did pretty damn good job. :)


gows November 2 2011, 02:20:49 UTC
Incidentally, this is the kind of work Tiffany does, so I figured a custom-ordered Chance mask would be a cakewalk for her. ;)


tuftears November 2 2011, 01:53:02 UTC
That's awesome. ^_^


agrimony November 2 2011, 04:39:20 UTC
The top pic is quite pretty. You should icon it! :)


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