um. O.O

Nov 15, 2010 14:56

I just, um.

Um. Jesus. I just got Ardian’s Blackest Night page one in the mail.

I have no idea who’s responsible for this, but thank you. Jesus. Wow. Um. Wow.

This is actually the only piece of Ardian’s artwork I have. Technically I own the Chance pages, but I’ve never gotten around to having him send them to me, and…holy crap.

*Thank* you.
(x- ( Read more... )

comics, holy crap, best friends evah, ardian syaf

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Comments 4

la_marquise_de_ November 15 2010, 14:24:57 UTC


kevenn November 15 2010, 14:27:34 UTC
That's pretty awesome! :)


gows November 15 2010, 14:42:15 UTC
*jaw drops*

Holy crap is right. What an amazing gift to receive--incredibly meaningful as well as stunningly beautiful.

Dude. O.O


tersa November 15 2010, 17:38:29 UTC
I didn't do it, but you totally deserve it--you discovered him! :D

(Gotta say, I love his work, too.)


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