bits and bobs

Jun 29, 2010 22:44

*laughs* I should have known saying we needed an au pair who spoke a non-English language fluently would get some volunteers. Sadly, since the technical definition of au pair includes “lives with the family” I’m afraid any volunteers would actually have to find their own lodging, which is probably not nearly as ideal as might be hoped, especially ( Read more... )

writing, commissions, walk to rivendell, haus, old races, tv on dvd

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Comments 5

lithera June 29 2010, 22:16:53 UTC
Yeah. The Von Gogh episode, which we just got here in the states, is the first one where I really connected with Matt Smith. I liked him before but I didn't feel invested in him.


valancymay June 29 2010, 22:21:04 UTC
The Van Gogh episode made me cry like a baby.


suricattus June 29 2010, 23:22:45 UTC
For the hell of it, I tried to estimate the travel time between Lille and Dublin. Google claims it's driveable (w/ water crossings) in 12 hours. I think they're mad.

Howsomever, there may be a happy medium, come September/October... ?


jemck June 30 2010, 08:08:07 UTC
Can help out with the nappy liners issue. Drop me an email and we'll get it sorted.


sharpwords July 1 2010, 22:05:55 UTC
I can also help with the liners thing - live in the north but work in the south, which might be useful?


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