
May 18, 2010 15:14

Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. To celebrate, we’re going to see Iron Man 2 while Mom babysits. I have such good parents. :)

Also, I have achieved my pre-pregnancy weight (down a pound from it, in fact), and am wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans. Go me. :)

Also also, people are indicating that Amazon is shipping DEMON HUNTS already, so haunt ( Read more... )

walker papers, movies, weight loss, family, young indiana, ted

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Comments 40

hexeengel May 18 2010, 14:20:34 UTC
Holy crapcakes, what did you do to lose the weight?!

Happy anniversary!


mizkit May 18 2010, 14:22:48 UTC
I had a baby. :) I only gained 23 pounds total, and I'd lost 18.5 within a week. More than 10 of that was baby and associated bits that got expelled along with him. :)


gows May 18 2010, 14:26:05 UTC
Wow . . . 13 years? I have some great memories of that trip. :)

And down to pre-pregnancy jeans already? Go you is right!


earthgoat May 18 2010, 14:33:44 UTC
Lady, you are the envy of all postpartum women!


bellinghman May 18 2010, 14:34:17 UTC
Happy Anniversary. And well done on the weight side: I assume it's also slightly differently distributed.


mizkit May 18 2010, 14:46:41 UTC
It is, indeed, differently distributed: I'm thinner in most places than I used to be. My belly is still oddly podgy, but not, it appears, of greater circumference than it was, so I have some hope of coming out of this quite sleek. :)


weds May 18 2010, 15:20:30 UTC
So, from the userpic, you will then go on to have a sekrit trust fund of a hojillion dollars?

And jump up and down?

And then Casey will show up and RUIN EVERYTHING?


mizkit May 19 2010, 08:50:05 UTC
You are clearly a serious SiP geek. :)


ceosanna May 18 2010, 14:40:06 UTC
Congrats on the anniversary and on reaching the pre-pregnancy weight! Enjoy the movie, and make sure you stay through all of the credits.

Demon Hunts is shipping already? Must order and see my Tuckerization!


mizkit May 18 2010, 14:41:49 UTC
Do I have your address? I'll send you a copy, O Tuckerized One.


ceosanna May 18 2010, 14:45:22 UTC
Ooooh. Will send you an email. Thank you!


mizkit May 18 2010, 14:47:23 UTC
Pshaw, t'ain't nothin'. :)


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