Hot Time wrap-up

Mar 01, 2010 14:13

The “Hot Time” novella went dark last night around 5pm Eastern (with one person getting their purchase in quite literally at the last minute: I was taking the Paypal links down as the payment came in!).

This whole project has been an experiment in selling to a direct market. I pretty much think of this as patronage: the people who bought this ( Read more... )

short stories, writing, crowdfunding, patronage, commissions, sustainable funding models

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Comments 13

ex_kaz_maho March 1 2010, 13:50:00 UTC
Thanks for this - very interesting to see how it all turned out. I'm looking forward to reading 'Hot Time', though I'm saving it as I still haven't finished the trilogy. :)


mizkit March 1 2010, 21:45:16 UTC
It can be read completely independently of the trilogy, but of course it does give you an extra little Old Races fix once you've finished the books. :) I hope you enjoy it!


logrusboy March 1 2010, 16:34:00 UTC
That's really great, especially for a first time experiment. Now if you could sucker Butcher into a Walker/Dresden crossover....


mizkit March 1 2010, 21:46:10 UTC
Ah yes, for those long-ago days when he and I role-played together on Amber. Had I only known then, I'd have used that time to co-write a Walker/Dresden crossover. :)


logrusboy March 1 2010, 21:50:58 UTC
I didn't know you were old chums. How nifty!


mizkit March 1 2010, 21:51:36 UTC
Oh. Yeah. I've known Jim since about 1995. It's a small, small internet. :)


pgwfolc March 1 2010, 18:44:57 UTC
Thanks for posting this. Really interesting to hear things from your side.

Just finished reading Hot Time yesterday, and I have to say I'm glad I bought in. I loved the Negotiator/Old Races books, and this pulled me right back in. Very much looking forward to reading the next story, especially given that ending.

Funny how trying to sell it yourself feels like shilling, though. I can totally understand that on an emotional level, but logically it's no different from having your publisher advertise or just standing in a market, hocking your wares. It's your profession, and advertising it is just part of selling the product.

Personally, I agree with you about keeping it exclusive. The early buy-in, followed by free release model never made much sense to me. (And I'm not sure the Dr. Horrible free release followed by paid buy-in model makes any more sense, either...)

Sounds like a very successful experiment, though, which is great news for you... and for your readership.


natural20 March 1 2010, 19:17:41 UTC
Well, I think you can guess what my reaction to more Old Races stories would be. :) The bigger anthology sounds, well, awesome, but I suppose I can live with the smaller one if you decide to go for that...


mizkit March 1 2010, 21:50:14 UTC
Well, the smaller anthology followed by a larger one including some or all of the smaller anthology material would be ideal for /me/, as it would be maximum profitability. Dunno what people would think of that, of course, nor is it of such a pressing nature to be worried about just now. :)


saffronrose March 1 2010, 19:33:39 UTC
I would buy quarterly offerings. I like being able to directly support authors and musicians.


mizkit March 1 2010, 21:51:02 UTC
<3 :)


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