pretty busy month

Jan 31, 2010 22:50

I have written just a smidge under 40K in January, and when I say “just a smidge” I mean “100 words”. If I was feeling slightly more ambitious I’d probably write another hundred, except if I did that the chapter would be at about 1750 words and then I’d have to write it up to 2000. I’m not that ambitious. :)

I have also copyedited two books and ( Read more... )

writing, worldwalker books, friends, getting out of the house, nanowrimo is for weenies

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Comments 4

martianmooncrab January 31 2010, 22:09:37 UTC
sounded like a peacock laughing

hopefully he didnt leave behind a mess like a peacock....


irishkate January 31 2010, 22:56:45 UTC
You continue to amaze me with your productivity levels.


veilofgrace January 31 2010, 23:22:59 UTC
That says "chocolate cafe." Where do I get one of those??


natural20 February 2 2010, 16:08:19 UTC
It was a lovely lunch indeed, even if you are terribly cruel. :p


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