
Jan 13, 2010 22:56

Today is my Chance artist Ardian Syaf’s 30th birthday. I started working with him a few weeks after his 25th birthday, when he had no professional comics credit worth mentioning. Now he’s one of DC Comics hot up-and-coming artists. It’s been a good five years for him. :) (”muuch better than what I was expected :)”, he says :)) I still can’t think ( Read more... )

worldwalker books, copy edits, chance, family, ardian syaf

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Comments 7

celestialgldfsh January 13 2010, 23:29:45 UTC
Your Chance artist has the exact same birthday as me! It's not common that I find anyone with the same day, much less the exact same age.

And your deadlines are crazy. Yeesh.


mizkit January 14 2010, 10:50:48 UTC
Well, happy birthday to you too! How neat! :)

*peers at the deadlines* Actually, having gotten an extension on the WORLDBREAKER deadline, they really don't seem so bad! :)


irishkate January 14 2010, 01:24:12 UTC
Yea for Ardian. Also - you haven't exactly had a quiet 5 years there yourself..

Good luck to your folks with that work there and keep the nose to the grindstone but do look up from time to time as well. Your fans will wait a week or two more for your stories if they/we must you know.


mizkit January 15 2010, 14:21:53 UTC
Yeah, my five years have been pretty good too. :)


gows January 14 2010, 02:20:45 UTC
look for tyops

*grin* You rock.

Also, your parents rock and I miss them and wish I'd had more time to hang with them. I still remember your mom complimenting my laugh on our way to . . . [Irish pub-thing on Bragaw(?)/Muldoon area]

Lovely family you've got. Especially the Ted. :D And the parents. And the sister. Probably the brother-in-law and nephews, too. 'Cause that's the way your family rolls.


knappenp January 14 2010, 13:31:41 UTC
How do you make fish and chips at home?

And, happy birthday Ardian!


mizkit January 15 2010, 14:22:19 UTC
With the moral equivalent of fish sticks and french fries, obviously.


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