short story meme

Sep 15, 2009 20:25

Nabbed from anghara, who got it from swan_tower, a short story meme worthy of taking a stab at:

Here’s what you need to do:

Give me the title of a story I’ve never written, and feedback telling me what you liked best about it, and I will tell you any of: the first sentence, the last sentence, the thing that made me want to write it, the biggest problem I had while writing it, why it almost never got submitted to magazines, the scene that hit the cutting room floor but that I wish I’d been able to salvage, or something else that I want readers to know.

As per the others, I make no promises that these won’t turn into real stories. Also, I make no guarantees as to how many of these I’ll do. Five is a safe bet; more than that, maybe not, but heck, play along anyway.
(x-posted from the essential kit)
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