
Apr 23, 2009 08:38

I think I can write today, but man, my little brain is feeling pretty spongy right now. I have to convince myself to go do my Pilates. I’d been planning to swim today, but I’m more than half afraid that if I do I’ll lose the afternoon’s writing to unconsciousness, despite the word wars. I don’t know. We’ll see. God on a stick, though. I’m just… ( Read more... )

writing, weight loss, brain drain, pixel-stained technopeasant wretch

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Comments 6

janne April 23 2009, 08:33:24 UTC
Make sure you have fruit or nuts or vegs or something handy in case body takes over control while your brain is working! Good luck :)


jeditigger April 23 2009, 14:32:47 UTC
Agreed. Fruit, nuts, something to munch on. I cannot believe the work you've done this week AND while being active. Honestly, pat yourself on the back.


mizkit April 23 2009, 14:52:33 UTC
I haven't been very active. And god, i'm tired. o.O


janne April 23 2009, 15:10:11 UTC
Brainwork is active work -- brains need calories to be productive, too. Me, I can't string two words together when on a serious diet. Which is one more reason why I've come to avoid them and try for lifestyle changes instead. Zombie programmer==not very productive.


desperance April 23 2009, 17:30:44 UTC
Just out of curiosity (I have neither lectures nor remedies to offer, I just like to know what people eat), what sweets do you eat from choice? (Me, I have chocolate-coated coffee beans always on the desk here. In a locked container these days, or Mac sucks all the chocolate off.)


mizkit April 23 2009, 20:05:53 UTC
oh, anything...Ice cream is a recurring favorite right now, but I'm easy. If it's sweet I like it. If it's chocolate I like it even more.

Your cats are truly bizarre.


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