
Sep 25, 2008 14:57

God, but THE PRETENDER’S CROWN is a big book. I’ve gone through over 300 pages now (and cut 15 or 20. I’m hoping to discover, when I read my editor’s suggestions on things to cut, that she’s got *different* places to cut from. I don’t know that I can manage to strike the 100 pages that arcaedia/Jenn thinks would be ideal, but if I could get up to 50 or ( Read more... )

the pretender's crown, weight loss, inheritors cycle

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Comments 6

jeditigger September 25 2008, 16:38:31 UTC
How do you go about your editorial process? I find it agonizing, myself.


mizkit September 25 2008, 17:37:08 UTC
Similarly ( ... )


jeditigger September 25 2008, 18:31:23 UTC
That just seems ... dude. Intense. I don't even know a word for it. 100 pages out of the first 250? Forty percent? Eeesh.

I'm asking because I've tried a few times to edit my novel and, as you say, I end up reading. Or getting out a machete and whacking away. :P All or nothing.

I'm sure in the end it'll be great,, welcome to labor pains. Hang in there.


mizkit September 26 2008, 12:58:17 UTC
It's *hugely* easier to have somebody else's eyes on it to give guidance. I've gotten better at editing, but really, for me, I hand the book over to der agent and der editor when I can't see it anymore.

I can't take 100 pages out of the first 250. Well. I could, maybe, but it would completely eliminate the storyline that my editor asked for, so I'm really not that worried about it. :)


ruford42 September 25 2008, 20:38:24 UTC
If you're struggling to make cuts and keep the stylistic choice, sounds like we should really start yelling for three more books now. :)

Though, now I'm curious -- is there an average number of times that a manuscript will pass between your agent, editor and self? I never really thought about an editorial review process including a literary agent before, but there's the obvious sense of having someone review it while keeping the marketability of a book or series first and foremost in mind.

So, is there some system of when you reach a given word count, review due date, or some other milestone -- such as a hair-pulling e-mail "OMG, I am stuck -- I know this should read better, please help me?!?!" Or some combination of all three, or something else altogether...

And after getting halfway dizzy just dealing with spreadsheets for two hours, starting to wonder how
you avoid going blind too! :)


sammywol September 26 2008, 09:34:28 UTC
Sorbet can be a nice substitute for ice cream if you make it yourself. You can even serve it in a cone. It is not a no-sweet but it is not too bad calorie-wise and is certainly a lot less crazy fattening than ice-cream.

Well done on your 4.6 though. Good job!


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