in lieu of actual content…

Sep 06, 2008 10:35

…that 50 question meme that’s going around:
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Comments 17

miladyinsanity September 6 2008, 12:29:45 UTC
Not an Aero fan, but occasionally, cheap chocolate does do a damn good job of hitting the spot, doesn't it?

I have a thing for Mars Planets myself.


mizkit September 6 2008, 13:06:34 UTC
Aww, heck, I'm partial to all the planets, even Pluto! :)


miladyinsanity September 6 2008, 13:18:51 UTC
So what does Pluto taste like? *g*


mizkit September 6 2008, 13:27:19 UTC
Chalky and cold! :)


bellinghman September 6 2008, 13:09:31 UTC
Do you like blue cheese? I’ve never actually eaten it, but my gut reaction is no.

How can you not have tried blue cheese? What are you, an American?

(I'm convinced most of the world's problems are down to you guys thinking cheese is that stuff from Wisconsin. You guys need to learn cheese.)

Why not try some Cashel Blue, since you're in Ireland? You may love it, you may hate it, but if you never try it, you'll never know.

mint bars called Aero

I was never quite sure about the mint version, but they are quite nice in a funny sort of way.


mizkit September 6 2008, 13:11:29 UTC
How can you not have tried blue cheese? What are you, an American?

I'm afraid so. *sad look*

I've expanded my repertoire of cheese since coming here, but I donno, food shouldn't be blue. :)

I like mint stuff, so the mint Aeros are nummy. I haven't even tried the plain chocolate ones on the assumption they're nasty.


suricattus September 6 2008, 13:25:12 UTC
Oi! As a cheese-eating American, I take extreme exception to that! (there are lovely artisanal goat and sheep-cheese making farms all over the US, even if you don't like American cheddar).

Blue cheese is yummy. Definitely try some.

(okay, so I'm one of those who thinks that Epoisses is a treat, so I'm on the extreme side. But still. Blue=Good)

Also: you cheated, 'cause I've already DONE this me. You're supposed to pick someone who hasn't yet!


bellinghman September 6 2008, 13:48:27 UTC
Your task, should you choose to accept it, is ... to persuade Kit to try real cheese.

Cheddar comes from Cheddar, just like Champagne comes from Champagne and Chablis comes from Chablis. There's way too much 'cheddar' that may have much the same consistency, but really hasn't been matured, and is quite frankly plastic. Sadly, even in the UK, 'cheddar' is a much maligned name. It's possible that 'American Cheddar' is better, but I've not tried it.

(It seems that most English speaking countries seem to make some form of 'cheddar'.)

I'm glad there are proper cheese makers out there, just as there are proper beer makers these days, competing with the Bud, Coors and Miller stuff. In my visits, I've never encountered them.


beshter September 6 2008, 15:00:00 UTC
OMGSONIC! Sonic is my favorite fast-food restaurant ever! And you only find it really in the South and Midwest, but I have discovered that they are rampant in Central California area. Sadly, there is only one in the entire Los Angeles Metro Area, it's in Orange County, and I'm not driving there unless I happen to be going to Disneyland. But I would drive there after Disneyland just to get my fix of coney dogs and cherry limeaids.

Every time I fly to Kansas City to see the friends or St. Louis to see the fam, I make a pit stop....gah, I now am craving it!


(The comment has been removed)

beshter September 6 2008, 20:51:48 UTC
Yeah, for whatever reason it just isn't out here, though Bakersfield has two or so. I'm not driving to Bakersfield for Sonic.


aeros holmes44 September 7 2008, 02:54:54 UTC
plain aero bar are very good but if you like mint chocolate you should try after eight mints, they are really good. i have never tried blue cheese either but i like the old cheese by crakle barrel and my daughters like the marble cheese.i don't think we have sonic in canada, at least i have never heard of them before now.


tdapenguin September 7 2008, 18:20:20 UTC
17. Name 3 thoughts at this moment. ...My answer to #15 was probably pretty obnoxious.

Not at all! I rather like myself too, and it's nice to see that others do too! Oddly enough, when I see these sorts of memes and everyone always has an answer to the 'what do you dislike about yourself,' it makes me think 'uhhh, what's wrong with me that I don't think things are wrong?' Which is odd and strange. So it is nice to see that someone else likes themselves.


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