My nephews are thugs.

Dec 22, 2007 22:52

Busy day! I got up at *shudder* 6:15 and got on a train to Dublin, where I delivered and collected presents, wrote a limerick for Breic, took pictures of the boys, several of which will be on kitsnaps (kitsnaps for the feed) over the next few days. Breic read me a couple of stories, Seirid snuck in and out being ridiculously cute, Deirdre confessed she'd ( Read more... )

nephews, family, ted, growing up in kenai

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Comments 9

cearabrede December 22 2007, 23:06:37 UTC
cute pic!! I hope you get the presents back. i do stuff like that ALL the time. *grimace*

But - but! I finished HoS. More please! TELL me I have to wait until MARCH?! for HoC?! That is way too long. Ugh. I LOVED HoS. Going on the keeper shelf. That ending though. Gah! Alban! ALBAN! Gah! Siiiiiigh.


mizkit December 22 2007, 23:21:39 UTC
Don't think of it as having to wait all the way until March! Think of it as having to *only* wait til March! Given that normally it'd be a year, this is a win! :)

i'm glad you liked the book. :) :) :)


tingil December 23 2007, 00:08:20 UTC
Those boys are very Irish, aren't they? *Grin*


irishkate December 23 2007, 00:27:19 UTC
ps - unable to achieve delivery of nestles products as local supermarket didn't stock nestles products at all.


wedschilde December 23 2007, 02:34:54 UTC
hah! i've seen chav-ier :D

oooo. fudge.


xpioti December 23 2007, 04:46:38 UTC
Adorable thugs, they are. :) Happy holidays!


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