Unfortunately, because this book is so very very late, what I will have is another six weeks of *extremely* intense writing to try to get the book that's due Feb 1 in more or less on time. On the positive side, I'm really looking forward to writing that one, and the synopsis for it came together really easily, so I'm hoping that bodes well.
The next one after that's not due til June, and is only 110K, which combination, at the moment, seems like a walk in the park.
And after that I don't have another book due until 2009.
It is my most fervent hope, and current plan, to take next summer *off*. There are about three hundred projects on back burners that I would like to attend to, and which I am impatient about leaving on the back burners, but at this point I am realizing that they'll still be there three months later, and a summer of reading and going outside and playing and doing photography and going to Comicon and *not writing* will do me far more good than getting one or two more projects on the front burners.
Comments 8
Will you get, like, an actual break after this one?
The next one after that's not due til June, and is only 110K, which combination, at the moment, seems like a walk in the park.
And after that I don't have another book due until 2009.
Thank *God*.
Do allow yourself time off. Your brain will thank you.
Why, it could be the Next! Hot!! THANG!!!
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