O. M. G!

Nov 19, 2007 00:45

We are home, home, *actually* home. The heat has gone out but I don't care, we're home and it is Good. We got in several hours ago and have been talking with Mom and Dad, who've cleaned the house, emptied our bedroom of extra beds, put the new quilt Ted's mom made for us on our bed, slaughtered a third of the jungle in the back garden, fed our ( Read more... )

comics, art, rogue, conventions, cons, zomg!, family, squee!

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Comments 9

xnamkrad November 19 2007, 00:44:21 UTC
Glad you got home at last - and cant wait to hear what you'll say re Paul


annathepiper November 19 2007, 01:11:26 UTC
Wow, what a very cool picture!

And looking forward to hearing exactly what Paul has never done with a woman before. ;)


tayefeth November 19 2007, 01:41:27 UTC
And with that intriguing statement, I shall leave you.

You're mean, Miss.


mutantenemy November 19 2007, 02:24:49 UTC
I completely understand your thrill re: Jim Lee and your sketch. A few weeks ago it was Wonder Woman Day here in Portland. I visited the comic book store and was third in line to get Phil Jimenez (who in my opinion is the best penciler to draw the amazon since George Perez relaunched the title in the 90's). He drew her for a donation as Wonder Woman Day helped raise money for women's shelters.

His rendition of her was flawless, even if he has not been on the book for years. Phil apologized for making her chin too square and giving her a bit of "manish" look to her face, but I assured him it was perfect. "Wonder Woman is not a delicate looking woman, she is made of regal sturdy stuff." She can be curvy and kiss ass at the same time.

Anyway, my geek infested roots are showing. LOL Congrats on having such a wonderful time and getting chance for a once in a lifetime sketch of your superhero. ;-)


slovobooks November 19 2007, 09:26:09 UTC
It was good to see you all again, even if it was only three weeks since the last time. Yes, irishkate and yourself were doing pretty much heavy-duty squeeing once you got your sketches!

I look forward to your longer report.


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