when nice people say they’re voting for trump

Jul 24, 2016 10:17

Earlier this summer a friend said they were going to vote for Trump.

I turned bright red, I kid you not. Bright bright red. Even I thought it was funny. They said, “I take it you’re a Hillary fan,” and I said, truthfully, that it wasn’t so much that I was pro-Hillary as I was vehemently anti-Trump. (This has changed: I’ve really had to examine my ( Read more... )

friends, politics

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Comments 13

martianmooncrab July 24 2016, 17:10:00 UTC
I dont see any of Trump's children doing a stint in the military if they love America so much.


idancewithlife July 24 2016, 18:51:38 UTC
The more exposed I am to DT the more I think he is likely a clinical narcissist. If true that means that *anything* that doesn't serve his ideas, goals, and sense of self will not only be rejected out of hand, but will turn that person or system into an enemy. He will be capable of *pretending* to a particular presentation for a while to meet his root goals for himself, but as we have seen, when confronted the pretense falls away to become hostility, lies,and/or evasion. This man as president is dangerous to the world, and, unfortunately, a lot of dangerous things are presently coming to pass :-(

And yes, I agree that your presentation to your friend was awesome :-)


c_maxx July 24 2016, 23:08:44 UTC
Yes, you're definitely right, thumbs down on the gender issue. While I am strongly against several of Clinton's policy initiatives, she's not a pure loose cannon, and I can trust her around the red phone, unlike some.

All that noise about Benghazi, it was Congress that failed to vote funding for additional security...


jayethirteenth July 25 2016, 06:49:52 UTC
It's an important time, and your words are wise. So much of this is going to come down to the Swing-states, and I'm hoping you're in one of them speaking these wise words, or that they spread and things start making sense again. Five more months. :)


mizkit July 25 2016, 07:09:35 UTC
I vote in Alaska, which generally goes conservative, sadly enough.


jayethirteenth July 25 2016, 07:15:24 UTC
I'm in NY.... which is the opposite!


kevenn July 26 2016, 13:24:45 UTC
Well done! I admire what you did and your grace in the way you handled it.


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