Picoreview: San Andreas

Jun 08, 2015 15:56

Picoreview: San Andreas: exciting!

I saw a review that said “this is a movie about earthquakes having a vendetta against the Rock,” which mostly made me think “Didn’t they see 2012, in which earthquakes were literally chasing John Cusack?”

San Andreas was much better than 2012, which is not meant to damn with faint praise, given how utterly awful ( Read more... )

picoreviews, movie mondays, movies, reviews

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Comments 3

suricattus June 8 2015, 15:45:15 UTC

a) have a geology minor from 25+ years ago (which means I've forgotten most stuff except the totally useless, but it comes out to play when watching quake movies...)


b) dated a seismologist during a period including the Fukushima quake, and so learned more than I ever really wanted to about massive quakes, west coast/east coast relativity in terms of said quakes, and nuclear reactors.

I'm not sure if I really, really want to see this movie, or need to give it a pass entire. :-)


rasmusb June 8 2015, 19:39:47 UTC
Well not that it happened in the movie -- but aren't some tsunami's caused by heavy rock slides -- oh wait -- that's a tidal wave away from land isn't it? IIRC Nat Geo had a documentary about Hawaii's slip zones and the tidal waves that hit the US from them. Oh well.

I really liked the british brothers -- so well done. The older brother really showed the stress of wanting to help/save people but realizing that in doing so he's endangering the little brother.

I also agree that daughter wasn't the damsel in distress. Although did her first scene with her on the phone to her father have to be in a push up bikini shot? *shrugs*

I'd also go to the sequel -- or hey -- they could do a volcano one! The San Andreas activating Cascadia -- then causing Rainer & St. Helens to wake up? :D


tommy50702 June 24 2015, 13:17:45 UTC
It's a very fun movie to watch. It also made me realized that Mother Nature always gets the last word.


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