five things make a post

Jun 16, 2014 10:10

I had things to post about when I opened this window, I swear. Now I’ve forgotten them all.

Well, anyway. Let’s see. There was an early showing of the second How To Train Your Dragon movie yesterday, and the first half of it was good. Ted says the second half was good too, but Young Indiana didn’t make it all the way through, so neither did I. :)

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recent reads, five things make a post, books my friends wrote, picoreviews

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Comments 14

deborahblakehps June 16 2014, 12:22:31 UTC
"Up too late reading" is my middle name.


c_maxx June 17 2014, 15:56:25 UTC
Check mark that! If Pat could spray me with sleeping potion, you could count me sprayed.


knappenp June 16 2014, 14:10:28 UTC
Just so you know in advance, Weevil is also in the movie. (He's absent for a couple story arcs in the third season - though his absence is explained - but he's back for the movie.)


burger_eater June 16 2014, 17:08:39 UTC
mizkit June 16 2014, 17:37:30 UTC
*laughs right out loud*


burger_eater June 16 2014, 17:10:13 UTC
Actually, I'm tempted to put:

"... one hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners, breathtaking holy shit of a book." -- C.E. Murphy

right on the cover.


mizkit June 16 2014, 17:36:42 UTC
*laughs* Go for it, if you want. *laughs* Are you allowed to put "holy shit" on a cover? :)


burger_eater June 16 2014, 17:45:37 UTC
I might. I'm doing this for myself and there's no reason not to.

The only thing that would hold me back is that I said the book would be for adults and young readers, and putting the word "shit" on the cover might discourage adults buying for kids (although it would probably pique the kids' interest.


mizkit June 16 2014, 17:54:13 UTC
holy shit, holy beans, holy moly, holy hell, holy crap, holy...I kind of like holy moly, actually... :)


c_maxx June 17 2014, 16:20:42 UTC
Once burst out with "expletive deleted" in a crowded movie theater, and not just oh, shit, when watching Jackie Brown, but then that's Tarantino for you...

I know violence against women is a fact of the world, but I don't need to see it in movie. Did you ever read Cherryh's Morgaine Triology? Morgaine kicked everyone's petunia. "So this is how you keep my leigeman?" --Pardon while... oops. How to categorize it? I think of it as SF, but not so sure, like Moorcock's future time series... My favorite of all her stuff, and her earliest novels, I believe-- The Gate of Ivrel, Well of Shiuan, Fires of Azeroth.

Wikip says, "This series has been identified as being set in the Alliance-Union universe, as it is stated that Morgaine [expedition] was sent on her quest by the "Union Science Bureau", which puts it in an SF setting, but the story development only marginally so. The first two both start out a little low-key, then build.

I recc- give them a look if you've never read... I believe you'd enjoy the characters and stories.


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