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Comments 44

lilac_one June 3 2009, 03:52:27 UTC
This is delightful! What a perfect AU. I love it. Your character voices are dead on. The set-up works just beautifully. I hope it was a much fun to write as it was to read.

Thank you!


mizface June 3 2009, 12:43:36 UTC
Thank you so much for the lovely comments! I had a blast writing it, actually, once I gave in to the fact that the plot bunny wasn't going to let go.

I especially appreciate hearing the voices are right - that's SO hard, even more so with AU.

LOVE your icon!!


j_s_cavalcante June 3 2009, 05:11:15 UTC
Hee! What a perfect last line! I totally knew what Ray's job really was. Hah! You did not fool me on that. Just on everything else, Turnbull and Dewey especially.

Butler won in card game! Could there be a more Harlequinesque premise? I think not. :) Fraser makes an exquisite butler. *sighs*

I think Vecchio will get a slick lawyer and get out of the worst. Maybe turn State's evidence on the Bookman. He won't be kept down for long! *believes* :)

Sweet kisses FTW!

Fun romp! And quitcher whining about the length. 13,000 words is an aperitif! A mere bonbon! :) :)


mizface June 3 2009, 12:55:22 UTC
I *tried* to be subtle about Ray, but no fooling you! Except on the other stuff - I think Dewey being a Fed is my fave bit of misdirection ;)

And yeah, the card game ploy *is* very Harlequin (and did you see the other plot bunnies hopping around at the thread that started this? I'm hoping some more get written) I'm loving the image of Fraser as butler too. *joins you in happy sigh*

Vecchio probably will get out of it, and he may not be all that bad a guy. But he was fun to write as the heavy of the piece!

Sweet kisses are *always* FTW in my thinking. :)

And I wasn't bitching about the length... more like stunned. This was just supposed to be a synopsis for the Schmarlequin thread - I never thought I'd actually *write* the darn thing, let alone find 13,000 words for it! For me, that's a LOT.

So glad you enjoyed this!


luzula June 3 2009, 13:49:29 UTC
Even if you didn't fool JS, you totally fooled me about Ray! I didn't see it coming at all. And aww, they're cute at the end, when they can't stop kissing.


mizface June 3 2009, 14:37:49 UTC
Oh, good - I hoped I was hinty enough without being obvious!

Glad you liked the end, and thank you SO much for reading!


bakaknight June 3 2009, 16:57:10 UTC
That was a of awesome. Seriously, I actually had NOOOOOOO idea whatsoever about Ray being a cop or Renfield or Dewey or anything, it was just that awesome.
Wow, I didn't spot them and I'm the one who's supposed to be a trained observer. Dammit.


mizface June 3 2009, 17:49:09 UTC

*twirls you for finding this awesome*

I am so glad your keen observational skills were blinded by the awesomeness of this fic. :)

And I am amused that I made you swear, because I am *that* kind of (im)mature

On a totally non-dS note, this comment I'm the one who's supposed to be a trained observer made my brain go, "Wait? Blair Sandburg reads fanfic?" *iz a dork*


bakaknight June 3 2009, 17:56:18 UTC
-snicker- Doesn't happen often, the swearing bit.

No, Blair isn't reading fic (kriffit Blair, Maori is plural and singular! [/rant]). I reckon he'd be horrified if he did. All these people who didn't believe a word of his little press conference... And then send him off to become a cop...


mizface June 3 2009, 18:05:56 UTC
See, and I'm the type who loves when I get people to swear at me, or give me the finger (I actually applaud for that. Really.)

See, I think Blair should read fanfic. because while a lot of them copify him, he *does* get to have sex with Jim. A lot. So maybe horrified, maybe hopeful ;)


galenlisle June 3 2009, 17:07:12 UTC
AUs rule! I really like Butler Fraser.


mizface June 3 2009, 17:50:40 UTC
Thank you! I'm loving AUs more all the time, actually. And butler!Fraser (okay, any Fraser) is hard not to like. :)

Thank you for reading!


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