What a crazy day: also let's find more happiness

Feb 29, 2012 16:57

I have 15 min. before I need to be out the door to catch a train to a bus. So I'll sum up.

I went to the MBTA hearing in Somerville yesterday evening (even though I didn't wanna)
Therefore I hand-wrote 5 letters to my legislators and governor and thought what the heck. I'll hand-deliver 4 of the 5. 
I met Sean Garballey, one of my reps while delivering his letter. He's chair of the MBTA Caucus, which is trying to fix this fucked up situation. He sort of talked my ear off there, and then I went to deliver everything else. About an hour or two after I get back from that adventure, I got a call from Sean Garballey. Really. He called me. And talked my ear off. I can't actually tell you all he said anymore because my brain overloaded. However, it was overall positive and in favor of finding a 3rd solution, not cuts not raising fares. I want to help him with this. I hope I can find a way to volunteer. Wow. After last night feeling really down about where things were going, this is a total 180. 
In between those two things, I watched a TED talk about "The Happy Secret To Better Work." Go watch it. I'll wait. It'll take about 12 min. 
Back? Good. So, I started doing this immediately. I've written down 3 things I'm grateful for and I haven't decided what one journal entry I'll do. I'll write it on the T ride home. 
I'm riding on a frenetic high from all this, so I feel like it's already working, and I've not yet figured out how in the devil I can manage the exercise thing yet, but I WILL. I guess I have to decide what constitutes exercise first. Pretty sure running to a bus/train doesn't quite count.

So.... that's a start. I think I'll journal in a paper journal instead of here. Why not? Old school. I have enough Moleskines.

OK. 3 min left, time to go. Go! Be happy! Find a way to do random acts of kindness. I'm trying to decide if I've already completed that bit yet for today.  Ok, really. Bye. :)

caffinated ramblings, projects

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