Stamped as:Ursula in The Bath House...with a crowbar
The usual stuff
Five positive adjectives that describe you:enthusiastic, charming, honest, righteous, genuine
Five negative adjectives that describe you:sarcastic, obsessive, pessimistic, self-righteous, guarded
What are your dreams and goals for the future?: find a job, go to london, make a film, order is irrelevent
Likes/hobbies/interests?:writing, editing, discovering new things, scrapbooking, animals, sketching, manipulating and recording music and sound, photography, film
Dislikes/pet peeves?: willful ignorance, knuckles popping, contemporary religion
This or that: Villainy
Do it yourself or have henchmen do it for you:I prefer to put it in the hands of people who don't know they're committing evil
Revenge or world domination: Lulz
Pacifist or temperamental:Pacifist, until I don't get my way, and then you'll notice a slight twitch and I may or may not lose it, and as a villain I'd be a pacifist in the way that Greenpeace are pacifists -- blowing up whaling ships, HORRIBLE LMFAO~*~DIES~*~
Kill the hero or get the girl: Let the hero have the girl, THAT'LL kill him
Brave or safe:Self-preserving ultimately (duh, villain! lol) but not exactly "safe"
Making your own destiny or accepting fate: Everyone makes there own destiny
Hate or love: ...Emotion?! What is this? It's just business.
Aggressive or calm: Hyper
Selfish or selfless: Well obviously selfish, that's like numero uno requisite of being a villain
Dominating or submissive:I can fake either
You as a villain
Imagine yourself as a villain. Why did you become one in the first place?: Society fail
Things don't go the way you planned, what do you do now?:Curse a lot, and as a villain, probably throw things, have a mild breakdown -- just because it's funny
Do you blame others or blame yourself when things don't work?:I'd blame myself...for relying on such stupid minions!
Do you plan things all up, or just make it up as you go along?:There might be some idea about what I want to happen, but generally, make it up as I go
What angers you the most?:Oh, everything, really
Lastly, how exactly would you defeat the hero/heroine?:I'd set it up so that they defeat themselves
Anything else we ought to know?:
I've voted on these people:
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